Walleye thrashing has begun

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, as part of my marital obligation, I took Mrs. Fin walleye fishing this weekend. The plan was to leave Saturday evening and stay until Tuesday, but the weather man had other ideas. Given the crappy forecast, we changed our plans and left early Saturday morning, fished yesterday afternoon, then got up and fought the wind Sunday morning, before the weather really turned to crap. Based on the weather encountered on the six hour drive home, we played a good hand by leaving when we did.

This trip had all you could ask for. Limits of great walleyes, wife being happy, Lilly the attack dog enjoying another weekend in the boat, and last but not least, two trips to the local DQ. If there was not a DQ nearby, I might fish elsewhere.

A few pics from the weekend.

First afternoon. Limits in hardly more than two hours. Weeded the 16" and under crowd to keep our ten fish limit, all 18" to 21". Fat chunkers,for sure.

Cool and east wind this morning. But, the 20" variety seemed to not mind.

The largest of the trip, just under 24". By 10:30am, the wind is getting to the normal Northeast Montana knotage, so it was time to get off the lake and prepare for the long drive home, hopefully beating the worst of the forecasted weather, but not before sorting out 8 that were good keepers, along with two jumbo sized perch that were caught on four inch crankbaits.

Lilly, the world's most spoiled dog, licking up the slime and blood when Mrs. Fin was distracted. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as my wife's dog, not her husband.

Never miss a chance for a DQ. You will always catch more fish if you partake in DQ treats on the trip.

A little of the bad weather that was headed that direction. We hit it about 100 miles into our homebound drive. Crazy amounts of hail along the way, but fortunately, it all looked to be of the small variety. Some potholes getting filled with that storm, which is supposed to continue through Tuesday.

Amazing number of snot rockets in that lake. All about five pounders. None we caught were any bigger and none smaller. If you did not know better, you would think you caught the same fish every half hour. Can't imagine how many big northerns will be in that lake in a few more years.

So much fun, I think I will go again later this week or over the weekend, and probably the week after that, and the week after that. :D
God bless walleye. They got me through my Minnesotan undergrad years with grace. I set down my flyrods and learned how to troll, cast a spinning rod, and ice fish. Truly an art to those great-eating predators. Oh how I miss Friday night fish fries...
Looks like a couple nice days on the water.

I tried to hit the Malta DQ this morning, but they don't open until 11 on Sunday.:(
Thats must have been a blast! Just had a Blizzard this evening in hopes that my trip to Big R in GF is successful in the morning. Now if only I was good at fishing!
Big Fin said:
If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as my wife's dog, not her husband.


Very nice! If anyone wants someone to help with gas and they're launching out of the Glasgow area let me know! I need my fix, and I won't have my boat until next spring by the looks of it. :eek:
Nice fish! Best tasting kind in my opinion. Love a good walleye shore-lunch!
The family and I are headed from Idaho too NE Montana(Froid area) where can I stop and do some bank yanking for some walleyes, any pointers fin "rig/bait" would be great,
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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