Trump Truck


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I stopped by my local Chevrolet Dealership this morning to look for a new truck. I saw a nice 2500 HD crew cab loaded with all the options that I liked and asked to take it for a test drive.
The salesperson (a lady wearing a Biden for President lapel pin) sat in the passenger seat next to me, describing the truck and all its options. She explained that the Electric Seats were connected to the ventilation system and could be set to direct cool air to your butt in the summer & warm air to your butt in the winter.
So I mentioned that this must be a "Trump truck". She looked at me a bit angrily and asked why I thought it was a Trump truck. I told her that if it were a Biden truck, the seats would just blow smoke up my ass year-round.
The two-mile walk back to the dealership to pick up my car was worth it.