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Thank you, Randy!!! And only ONE week to go ...


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2001
Gilbert, Arizona
Okay, so today, Christmas Eve, I was thinking back on what an awesome early Christmas present I received --- totally unreal!

My name was picked out of the proverbial hat to go elk hunting with Big Fin this past October in New Mexico. Something we all have had on our wish lists, no doubt.

I honestly don't know how I could put into words what a great experience it was (I could go on for several pages)! Randy is that person you see on tv. He's down-to-earth, knowledgeable, and l-i-v-e-s his passion for hunting. I learned a lot more, too, about his focus on public land access and how it takes him across the U.S. each year.

That focused dedication is called on in spades to get him through a grueling 4-month schedule of back-to-back treks pursuing (and filming) the big game animals we all love to hunt. Although our hunt didn't turn out to be that strenuous, Randy ended up taking quite the face plant a few days later on his next hunt --- I hope the prognosis for his knee is looking up! With the good Lord's blessing, Fin will be hiking the tough trails another 20 years. He's truly an inspiration!

And what a privilege to spend time with Tyler, Randy's premier videographer and go-to guy for everything --- he's a STUD when it comes to hunting (and everything outdoors). Fin may have met his match when it comes to his passion for hunting. Especially lion hunting ;)

I was the lucky hunter this past year --- now how about YOU???

Just ONE WEEK left before this year's sweepstake closes! DON'T miss out!

Check it out here:

I'd never won anything good, until I plugged myself into last year's sweepstakes. Like they say, you can't win if you're not in the game. You can bet I was unbelievably happy I entered last year!

Good luck to everyone!!!

HuntTalk is a special place to bond with other dedicated, ethical hunters. I'm in Randy's debt for maintaining such a terrific site. And after a week hunting with him, I'm grateful for a new friendship.

Thanks again, Randy!!!

P.S. Christmas blessings to all the HuntTalk families out there!
Thanks for the kind words, Tom. And for the kind plug of our sweepstakes. Merry Christmas to you, also.
Thanks for the reminder!!!

Thanks for the reminder, 3 entries in with my purchase!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! Kevin.
Thanks for the info. I've never won anything, but I've been wanting the Fresh Tracks DVDs anyway, so what the heck...I'm in.

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