PEAX Equipment


Look cool, pose, take some well filtered selfies in beast mode, duck lips, frowny face, use a bunch of hashtags and be sure to leave a well documented list of all the gear required in the back country adventure. Don't forget to throw down some inspirational messages for the mere mortals to ooooh and ahhhh over. Click the "like" and "share".

Redneck Guidos.

How long until they get a reality TV show that shows a weekly brodeo where we get to hear how much they crushed it at the gym?
I know what I am going to be for Halloween. :p

I once won second place in a costume contest. I went as Walter Sobchak from the Big Lebowski. The scary thing? I had everything I needed for it in my closet.

Let me know if you do. I bet I still have some ratty old flannels and combat fatigues that you can borrow. You know, for authenticity. :)

Reminds me of these idiots from Ohio. Sickening that some people actually think this is hunting.

you are so right about that . on another forum there was a guy back east and i will leave the state out of it so nobody thinks i am picking on there state that was bitching about this huge ranch [ 100 ac ] that he hunts wild boar on was starting to charge to much for there boar hunts. he was not rich so he could no longer afford to shoot the big trophy size boars and this was really killing him. well somewhere in the thread it came out that huge ranch made easy for you to know how much your hunt would be based on different color ear tags in these farm pigs. i shit you not they had like green tag was 1 price a yellow tag another price and so on.

well any of you that know me you know i am like that kid standing there looking at the king as he walks out not wearing anything and all around me everybody is saying how good he looks dressed like that and i am the one saying the king is not even wearing anything. old kids story but forget what its call.

so bring bring up the point that for 1 thing he was not hunting he was only shooting a farmers pigs . so a few of them piped up that i was being rude so and had to point out again that he was shooting yes but in no way was he hunting . he finally pulled the whole post down.

it is very eye opening how many ppl think that is hunting and do not really know that is not.
i have taken a few guys out hunting here in montana now that grew up thinking this is hunting and everyone around are telling them it is hunting . after they get a chance to see what free range on your own hunting is they change there mind for the most part.
i think for some of these guys they truly do not know what hunting is and so many of the TV hunting shows are in no way helping to point this out.

maybe if more of us that do on your own and free range hunting take a guy that has no idea how to hunt out west along with us for hunt maybe we can show them both side of the coin. i have been doing now for a cpl yrs and enjoy showing others what it like out there in the field enjoying what so many of us take for granted.

i got a chance to take a guy from over seas 2 yrs ago and was lucky enough to get into an area that had a few elk and he got his first elk on that trip. he already knows how to hunt just did not know where to start in mt to find elk. to of the other guys were from texas and they did not do as well. i think the thinner air was really killing them. i put 1 of them on a nice bull at 80yrds and i might get a chance to look at that bull again in 2016 :D
this last yr i also took out a cpl more guys for elk and mule deer. 1 was from new zealand and 1 from here. the 1 from here is a marine and just does not know where to look for for elk. i ask him along for this hunt and set him up in a good spot. well he has elk in his freezer this winter and got a chance to thank a service man for everything he has done for me to still be living in a country that free.

so i think that what i am trying to say is as easy as some of these guys make it for us to fill up page after page of putting them down maybe not all of them are all that bad. they just might not know there is another way out there to really hunt and enjoy the outdoors
Google: Ohio Booners Chad Tefft. One of the greatest fake hunters of all time. I caution you not to start reading unless you have a lot of free time. It is legendary.
A LEO head Dr said 15 yrs ago at a seminar where this type clothes/ look came from.

Seminar was Gangs,Grafitti & Gear. How to spot & identify types of gang activity.

Gangs got it from jail birds who picked it up & refined it from Pro sports people. Sort of.
And they co-opted the look as it is catch as catch can in the slam as far as what size clothes you get issued.
They see Superbowl,WS,NBA champs putting on the new victory,I am bitchen,hats & jerseys ,right out of the box and put on their heads & backs for the post game I'm bitchen interview.

Hats are packed flat brimmed to save space and the clothes are too big.
Their hair is messed from the game,ballcap and or helmet so it just goes over everything..................including the ears......D-block style.
and is so loose it can fall off if you exert yourself at all.
You have to be cool and calm in the big house. Posing is part of the whole deal.
And hell,there is no wuss labor anymore let alone hard. They pump instead of break rocks now.
So gangs brought it back from the graybar & spread the look in the ghetto.
Now we all know how bad ass pro sports guys are in real life,same with gang guys when they are alone ..............NOT.

But they are the influence of the ghetto monkeys that wear this crap,same with the faggy Decapiro beards.Which is another bighouse issue story entirely.....

So the look that is being discussed ,Just like in Jail....
cept' those bros are sporting shower shoes too,they are too cool to work. Or get dressed for that matter.
The topper is the Monster drink dripping for ghetto monkeys and white wanna bee's from the suburbs. It's the legal tweeker juice................ Tat's,diamonds earrings optional....
You do realize that the sagging pants started in prison as a way for guys to advertise that they were "available"?

Bagging on this guy's flat bill was so fun b/c he's such a D-bag and it completely topped off the ridiculousnous of the whole thing. I could care less if young guys wear them BTW.

Now it would be awesome if someone had a couple BHA flatbills made for spoof photos at the rendezvous this year. Could you see Buzz wearing one? That would be pure comedy. Flat Bill Finn?
Had some friends from my youth do time in various gray bar hotels. No belts are allowed. Clothes can be ill-fitting and you wear what you are given. Pants sag in some cases. Again, no belts. Not advertising for romantic walks on the beach. L.A. had a lot of violent crime done by sub-18 year old juveniles in the 1980s and their pants often sagged when they were placed in solitary in adult lock-ups. That look made it into hip hop and then to whoever thought was a fun look. Obviously, sagging pants limits your ability to out run a drive by or outrun even the fattest LEO chasing you but whatever made their boat float. Plumber's routinely display cracks and they make long t-shirts that solve the issue. Some stuff is just mind boggling.

The flat bills look silly to me but to each his own. I never understood patent leather shoes or turtlenecks. Still do not understand the appeal of tattoos much less sleeve tats or big holes in ears. Or those buns on the back of hipster dude's heads now.

Stay off my yard and you can be as odd as you want. I will laugh as you walk around holding up your pants or if notice you safety pinned your shirt to your undies to your pants. Seriously? I will shake my head each time. Purple hair? More laughter. Spider web tat on your face. Laughing. Hole in your ear lobe I could toss a coin through? Laughing. But, good for you expressing your inner hipster or whatever. I appreciate the laughs.

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