NM Monsoons Kicking In (Photos by VLA)


Active member
Mar 2, 2014
Socorro, NM
The VLA area (Intersection of units 13, 15, 16E, and 17) is greening up as the monsoons have finally gotten going with consistency in NM. It's a nice place to working at during the summer and fall.

The first shot is looking towards Hank's neck of the woods. The second is from highway 52.


I was speaking with my guide last night. He lives in Chama and said the rain has been daily and consistent. Chama river is high, but not causing any trouble. Outlook looks great for the Elk and Deer.
Send it up , Wyoming is burning. We should get some good monsoon rain this weekend. New fires in Western Wyoming.
Swing on by sometime, Hank. Ditto for any HTer (well, actually PM a day before at least) since I'm mostly in Socorro.

I told Randy he should too but I doubt he'd have time during his hunt unless he punches the Gila tag early.
Just had to stop taking pics & get off the roof....lightning but no rain yet today. Only caught a few strikes ever on camera.
One hit right near me last night and it was a doozy.
The usual fence line rains. Pie Town got hammered yesterday & I only got .11". County road is a lake 4 mi. down the valley.
We've been tooling around Southern NM the last few days - a pre-scout for my Gila rifle tag was the objective- but mostly just a rambling family road trip. Obviously I'm no local but it is greener than I've ever seen from Denver to ABQ and I was shocked at how green and lush the areas south are.

The storms that chased us out of the Gila back to 25 yesterday were something else. My 7yo son has a thing about lightning and we saw more than one strike within a half mile. Shockingly, seeing it that close he thought it was "cool" and not scary.

Even after scouring Google earth for months I was surprised by the country in the Gila. Gorgeous and I'm very psyched to head back in October.

My wife is googling those big white desert wildflowers that were everywhere in hopes she can cultivate them at home.
The flower is probably Datura, aka Jimson weed. They are beautiful (O'Keefe painted them) but toxic to ingest.
That or Arizona poppy.
Datura has big white trumpet flowers.

On the weather front areas have been getting heavy rain in NM. Started around noon today here with lots of lightning & some rain..38" yesterday.
Flash flood watches out this week.
Caribou Gear

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