New Mexico help


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
My dad and I will be hunting New Mexico Unit 51, Oct. 22-26 this fall. I am really excited to be given the opportunity, as hunting NM has been something I have dreamed about over the past few years. I have already ordered the unit maps from mytopo and I have talked to a game warden for the unit, as well as a ranger at the Carson NF offices. I also requested a motor vehicle use map for the forest. The game warden was helpful in getting me started on areas to research a little more in depth. He basically told me that I couldn't hunt a bad area in the unit, and that I should try to avoid the areas around campgrounds, etc. which is what I intend to do. I suspect that after the previous seasons in the unit, the bulls will be holding pretty tight to the big timber, which I have no problem still hunting if need be. I'm actually pretty well prepared to do any type of hunting I have to. Dad and I will be camping somewhere in the forest, but I also have spike out gear although from what I have saw, the unit looks more like a day-hunt type of unit with the road network. I was wondering if anybody on the forum has been on this hunt and if they can provide any feedback? Anything is something new for me as it will be my first time in this area. We plan on getting to the unit Thursday Oct. 20 to allow for a few days to get to know something about the area. Thanks in advance!

You did the right thing contacting the Game and Fish officer. I know 3 G&F officers in New Mexico and have went elk hunting with one of them. Great knowledge and they will not steer you wrong no matter what. Since you are coming from Ohio ( I am assuming this from your location) I would make sure and stop in Albuquerque or Santa Fe for at least a day and acclimate to the altitude. I was 24 years old when I made my first elk hunt in Colorado and came from Toledo Ohio. I was still in pretty good shape ( played NCAA college baseball). I got headaches regularly from the altitude and lived on Advil for the week. The next year I went to the doctor and he wrote me a small prescription for Diamox ( he used it for skiing out west). It helped TREMENDOUSLY and I never got a headache again. This past year I lived in Albuquerque ( 5400 feet above Sea level) and even though I was used to altitude, I took Ginko Giloboa during my wilderness elk hunt at 10,000 feet and above. Ginko is said to help with Altitude.

It is beautiful country up there. You will have fun.
Pre6422hornet, yeah I am planning on showing up at least 2 days before season, maybe even that Wednesday which is the last day of 2nd season. I figure that this also might help me to recognize where people are camped and try to get out of areas where there are a lot of tents/campers setup. I really don't like to hunt with too much of a crowd if I can help it. I'd hunt Ohio gun season if I wanted that :). I usually arrive early every time I go out for a hunt. I haven't had problems yet, but I know ones body can change. I just try to stay hydrated and take it easy for a few days. I "have" to burn up all of my vacation by the end of the year so I can spare 2 weeks, which really makes it nice. I don't have rush to get there or to get home.
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