More Bundy BS

You ever wonder why they hauled Ted K's cabin out of Lincoln, MT?
Likely so the FBI could eat some cheese in it safe from the elements.

I think I'd have a nice Wisconsin 7 year aged sharp cheddar.

What kind of cheese would taste best in Ted K's cabin?
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Developers in Vegas needed land, thousands and thousands of acres of it to build condos, townhomes, and shopping malls anchored in big box stores. Sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows.

Environmentalists like land restrictions. Enviros are anti development. If you thought they couldn't find common ground with developers you'd be wrong.

Someone needed to lose, someone needed to get screwed, other people needed to be bribed with lots of dollars. Developers had dollars, politicians had the power to screw people over, and environmentalists had the green stamp of approval.

So,,, 20,000 acres to developers. A brand spanking new desert tortoise conservation center with tons of jobs for wana be conservationists, (since closed down due to lack of funds due to real estate bust of 08) and best of all 800,000 acres of BLM allotments taken from ranchers, who weren't at the table, and therefore were dinner.

And so began what was to become a multi generational hate fest between one of those ranchers and the US govt. Subsequent studies show tortoises do well in habitat with domestic cows but that's another story.
Developers in Vegas needed land, thousands and thousands of acres of it to build condos, townhomes, and shopping malls anchored in big box stores. Sometimes politics makes strange bedfellows.

Environmentalists like land restrictions. Enviros are anti development. If you thought they couldn't find common ground with developers you'd be wrong.

Someone needed to lose, someone needed to get screwed, other people needed to be bribed with lots of dollars. Developers had dollars, politicians had the power to screw people over, and environmentalists had the green stamp of approval.

So,,, 20,000 acres to developers. A brand spanking new desert tortoise conservation center with tons of jobs for wana be conservationists, (since closed down due to lack of funds due to real estate bust of 08) and best of all 800,000 acres of BLM allotments taken from ranchers, who weren't at the table, and therefore were dinner.

And so began what was to become a multi generational hate fest between one of those ranchers and the US govt. Subsequent studies show tortoises do well in habitat with domestic cows but that's another story.
Now this is on point with the forums purpose. It sounds like the American is the one who got screwed.
Where do we start? Can you show us what blm land you are talking about? Do you have maps or the township and range for the 20,000 ac of blm land that was developed? Are deed/ownership records public information in Clark County? Can you show them?
I always thought not paying your bills was un-American. Wasn't Bundy several years behind in getting his payments up to date for the BLM allotments. Are we supposed to give out interest-free loans or can the Bundy clan step up and pay their bills on time like most of us do? Once they get current on bills then can carry a flag around like they are crossing the Delaware.
I always thought not paying your bills was un-American. Wasn't Bundy several years behind in getting his payments up to date for the BLM allotments. Are we supposed to give out interest-free loans or can the Bundy clan step up and pay their bills on time like most of us do? Once they get current on bills then can carry a flag around like they are crossing the Delaware.
Apparently, Bundy was “ paying his bills”. He was just writing the checks to the state of Nevada instead of the BLM because he refused to accept they had a right to charge a grazing fee. The state didn’t accept his “payment”.

Who knew that writing a check to the wrong entity doesn’t work???🙄
Apparently, Bundy was “ paying his bills”. He was just writing the checks to the state of Nevada instead of the BLM because he refused to accept they had a right to charge a grazing fee. The state didn’t accept his “payment”.

Who knew that writing a check to the wrong entity doesn’t work???🙄
Yeah, people get so bent out of shape about little differences. I tried paying my alimony to my girlfriend for a while and you woulda thought the world was ending...

Bundy is connected with doxxing (publishing residential address of judges, healthcare workers, political opponents with malicious intent).

Bundy is connected with doxxing (publishing residential address of judges, healthcare workers, political opponents with malicious intent).
All joking aside I wish I had the information on why that child was removed from that home. I have to believe that as hard as it is to do there must be a good reason. Also I feel that if my child was removed and I felt it was unnecessary I would be telling the specifics of my side and letting the world know. To my knowledge the parents haven't done so. Perhaps because society wouldn't agree with them.
All joking aside I wish I had the information on why that child was removed from that home. I have to believe that as hard as it is to do there must be a good reason. Also I feel that if my child was removed and I felt it was unnecessary I would be telling the specifics of my side and letting the world know. To my knowledge the parents haven't done so. Perhaps because society wouldn't agree with them.
All joking aside I wish I had the information on why that child was removed from that home. I have to believe that as hard as it is to do there must be a good reason. Also I feel that if my child was removed and I felt it was unnecessary I would be telling the specifics of my side and letting the world know. To my knowledge the parents haven't done so. Perhaps because society wouldn't agree with them.
It’s not as hard as you think. Don’t like public schools but are too lazy to provide documentation of home schooling will get it done. So will denying medical treatment deemed standard and necessary - religious or pseudo-medical reasons won’t save you.

I am not defending them - they are asshats - but having done pro bono representation of many kids caught up in the foster system it isn’t as hard to remove a kid as you would think.

In addition to the many justifiable child safety actions, I do believe state and fed law enforcement do use “you’ll lose your kids” more than is appropriate when they want to squeeze folks.
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It’s not as hard as you think. Don’t like public schools but are too lazy to provide documentation of home schooling will get it done. So will denying medical treatment deemed standard and necessary - religious or pseudo-medical reasons won’t save you.

I am not protecting them - they are asshats - but having done pro bono representation of many kids caught up in the foster system it isn’t as hard to remove a kid as you would think.
In Idaho it seems to be the opposite but perhaps it goes both ways more than we think.
In Idaho it seems to be the opposite but perhaps it goes both ways more than we think.
I agree that the system fails on both sides of the line more than it should. It’s a tough call and there are some good folks trying to do the right thing, but like any large bureaucracy, there are a lot of agendas and lots slip through the cracks.
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