Caribou Gear

Montana HB120 - Revising laws related to bonus points

I honestly would like to know why this is a problem. I have been buying my 3 kids points since it started. Luckily 2 of them dont need to rely on it anymore since there 12 and 15 but the 3rd has a ways to go. I would rather see my kids draw tags than me or my wife. With fwp push for kids hunting last few yrs, I thought it was very cool thing. I guess some grown men or women hunters worried a kid gonna draw a moose tag or 270 deer tag before them. What a joke. So they want to give 60% of non resident tags to outfitters. Give 10% of LE tags to non resident. But take away kids bonus points. Hm a$$holes.

But really can someone give me a good reason behind this, besides greed.
I honestly would like to know why this is a problem. I have been buying my 3 kids points since it started. Luckily 2 of them dont need to rely on it anymore since there 12 and 15 but the 3rd has a ways to go. I would rather see my kids draw tags than me or my wife. With fwp push for kids hunting last few yrs, I thought it was very cool thing. I guess some grown men or women hunters worried a kid gonna draw a moose tag or 270 deer tag before them. What a joke. So they want to give 60% of non resident tags to outfitters. Give 10% of LE tags to non resident. But take away kids bonus points. Hm a$$holes.

But really can someone give me a good reason behind this, besides greed.

Unless there was an amendment, your kids will still keep the points you have bought for them already until they are able to apply or buy for a license. I hope this passes, reason I say that is I disagree that kids should have so many points built up before even starting to hunt. Many other residents had to wait til they were 12 to hunt and had to take hunter safety to do so. Now with with apprentice program there are kids in the field hunting without taking that course, which I believe should be taken no matter what before heading out in the field. Will it solve the issue of old grumpy people getting those tags they want before they can no longer hunt? No, but I just disagree on getting a head start on others at say young hunters that can't afford points for 10 years before they can get into the game.
While I don't have any "skin in the game", the issue I have with many of the laws designed to increase our youth recruitment is that these efforts are primarily utilized by youth that come from a hunting family. Those youths are exposed to, taught, and taken hunting at an early age, with or without these extra opportunities. To truly use it as a recruitment tool there needs to be a focus on the youth that never get exposure or opportunity.
The only thing that would change draw odds is having to front the MSG, bison tag fee at drawing time and I’m not sure how much that would change odds.
It would do more than OIL.

It would hopefully eliminate the guys who put in just to put in.
I've bought points for my boys in MT once I found out I could for MSG. I thought it was silly, but it's the game we're playing so you have to take advantage of what you can. Perfectly fine with me if they get rid of it until they can hunt. Also saw that the bill said the only way you lose points is if you draw so they'll keep the points already purchased.

Seems like if they really wanted to give the higher point holders an advantage they would put them in their own pool like some states or maybe cube the top point people. I've really came to dislike points and would just rather have it random.

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