Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana and Tik Tok

Really interesting. Certain contingents of both sides of the spectrum are currently doing this, but with different alleged wrongs or justifications that need to be "corrected". Drawing from modern history, I think the extreme sides of the spectrum ended up having a lot in common with each other, with respect to their tactics, including how to label, denounce and judge anyone who is perceived to disagree with them. Continues today. Then people get even more wound up.
One side yells "socialist" and the other side yells "fascist" and then they scream at each other about stupid stuff. Nothing gets fixed, ever, but at least we still have the ability to disagree and lob insults.
at least we still have the ability to disagree and lob insults.

Sure, I just wish disagreement and insults were more creative and diverse. As an aside, the parties' disagreement in the FBI whistleblower hearings is interesting to watch. Things are getting confusing -- it's like politics or something
Sure, I just wish disagreement and insults were more creative and diverse. As an aside, the parties' disagreement in the FBI whistleblower hearings is interesting to watch. Things are getting confusing -- it's like politics or something
What is there to debate. One side doesn't think the other side deserves to see information. So politics as usual. Isn't there a quote from a movie something like "He who controls information controls the world."? In this case, it all about the narrative. Sow seeds of doubt about everything and people will believe anything, even with no hard evidence. It applies to everything.
"He who controls information controls the world."
I'll take a guess for chits n grins...Was it that 007 movie with the newspaper mogul?

I personally like Tom Clancy's comment similar to your share:

"The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people."
"The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people."

So I will try and bring it back around in light of this comment.

We are entering an age where a false narrative could be spread so widely -coming through your emails, your texts, your social medias. It may be thousands of AI generated videos and recordings and news articles of some event that never happened but certainly could foment chaos or actions from which we cannot undo. It'll be an age when the only thing you may know for certain is what you have seen in meatspace with your own senses.

What kind of narrative-control could one engage in, when, you've addicted millions to a product they use as one of their chief sense-making vectors. All the while having through use of this product, quite literally documented their keystrokes, have built very effective profiles of them, and have all their contact information. It ain't necessarily tiktok, it's just a general vulnerability we have invited into our lives. The CCP having the most widespread and most powerful access to us - through our own interests - having exacerbated this vulnerability.

To be clear. That isn't a defense of this bill, but I actually do think it's plausible that narrative-control is about to blast off, and it will be far more disruptive than any contemporary domestic policy issue folks currently argue about.

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