NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Land locked public lands


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
I've been trying to stay away from this place- for my own sanity, but this is a worthy contribution from a domestic terrorist, as many on here are want to claim.

Thanks for sharing!

Happy to see someone working for all of us who recreate on public land
Certainly like what she has to say. Would love to see actual action. My experience with the DOI under the current administration has been as bad as I have ever seen. Say lots of things but do absolutely nothing. Hopefully the BLM under her leadership breaks away this and we see action.
Might want to change your title to encourage more eyeballs.

The BLM is actually asking you, the general public, for recommendations of particular parcels of land to open up. So if you have a great piece of BLM, that is only minutes from the road, but requires a 5 mile walk around, put it up for consideration. They already have a hit list they are working on, but they want nominations for more.

Maybe say, "BLM asking you what land you want access to" or similar.

Field and stream went with,

"Want Better Access to a Landlocked Public-Land Parcel? Tell the BLM"​

Stone Manning is sitting at an empty desk this weekend waiting for the phone to ring with your call. (well maybe it's fill out a form and hit enter)
Do they have a plan? Other than ask folks. What steps are they implementing to get to what specific goals? Access to public lands has always gotten votes but were still loosing. I do wish them well in their endeavors. And all the lawsuits that tie things up on purpose. Folks should be asking their law makers how they are going to change the laws. Like which ones are you going to get rid of so the system can work again. K I S S
Wish them all the best
I looked at the map near me, Not sure what to think. The parcel of the highest priority has access and is used frequently. The parcel that is in my opinion the nicest is rated only moderate and some parcels that would be high quality are listed as not BLM.
I looked at the map near me, Not sure what to think. The parcel of the highest priority has access and is used frequently. The parcel that is in my opinion the nicest is rated only moderate and some parcels that would be high quality are listed as not BLM.
I saw that as well. I was going through nominating pieces, and it categorized "limited access by boat / aircraft" all the same as landlocked. The regional offices also have the ability to nominate, so I'm guessing based on the shear volume of hunters and media content of that piece in recent years is having an impact on that piece. Not sure what the improvement would be though- I don't see them putting in real infrastructure for vehicle or walk-in access.

The other confusing ones are the ones that are denied as "not managed by BLM", even though they are clearly marked as BLM lands. 🤷‍♂️
A few pieces kind of near me are all listed as low priority; my guess being because they are fairly far from a population center or because they know the surrounding landowners won’t be persuaded with any amount of money to sell some form of access
"WF: Should BLM corner-crossing guidelines be revised in light of the not guilty verdict in the Carbon County case?

TSM: What’s interesting to me about corner crossing is the deeply held values that underlie it. And I’m really interested, in light of this case, in digging in and taking a deeper look. I know the agency has had different opinions across the decades about this issue. And the last opinion that we had was issued in 1997."


“This list is going to help guide our acquisition strategy for years to come, helping us prioritize acquisitions using the Land and Water Conservation Fund and other sources to truly move the needle on public access,” Stone-Manning said.

"...asks for the public's input to identify BLM-managed lands where there is no legal access or where access is significantly restricted."

I suppose, from my perspective, I hope she has enough time to tender the locomotive enough to steam beyond her appointed time in office.
I saw that as well. I was going through nominating pieces, and it categorized "limited access by boat / aircraft" all the same as landlocked. The regional offices also have the ability to nominate, so I'm guessing based on the shear volume of hunters and media content of that piece in recent years is having an impact on that piece. Not sure what the improvement would be though- I don't see them putting in real infrastructure for vehicle or walk-in access.

The other confusing ones are the ones that are denied as "not managed by BLM", even though they are clearly marked as BLM lands. 🤷‍♂️
You don't need a road to every section to have good access, there is such a thing as too much access. Money and time could be better spent else were, like the "not managed by BLM" BLM land that is at best 50 yards from the county right away. Granted it may be tough to make a deal with the landowner, but it would be just as tough or tougher with the other high priority piece.
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