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HR 622 needs to go


Active member
May 26, 2015
Time to focus on HR 622. Contact your representatives whoever they are, and then make sure Chaffetz and Stewart hear us loud and clear. Time to pressure Stewart as well. HR 622 takes all law enforcement power away from the BLM and Forest service. I get why local control seems like a good idea at times but this is a broad brush stroke that will remove law enforcement where laws simply aren't going to be enforced if the BLM and Forest Service aren't around. What's next we get rid of DWR officers? Then UHPs? This undermines the law and order and integrity of our public lands and the agencies that manage them. Here's the information, this bill needs to go:

Jason Chaffetz- Utah office: 801-851-2500
DC Office: 202-225-7751

Chris Stewart- Utah office- 801-364-5550
DC Office- 202-225-9730

For your representatives: 202-224-3121
I have a finite number of brain cells, and I'm not sure if I can retain enough to function in normal day to day activities if I have to have one more conversation with that daft twit that answers the phone at Jason Chaffetz's office
I have a finite number of brain cells, and I'm not sure if I can retain enough to function in normal day to day activities if I have to have one more conversation with that daft twit that answers the phone at Jason Chaffetz's office

Agreed, but hopefully if we kill our brain cells today we'll be able to let them recover on our public land tomorrow.
Oneye's reminder and Gomer's humor both bring up a real point in this whole deal.
Yea, bad bill A is more or less dead in the water. Next is bad bill B.
Then bad bill c, d, e f........ will probably be on the way. May not be enough letters in the alphabet.
This gonna be a long haul thing. I hope attrition and depletion of brain cells don't get us.
Maybe that is the strategy. Throw the most ridiculous and obvious to be rejected bills at us first so we expand a lot of energy, and then cut away at public lands with the death through 1000 cuts strategy.
Maybe that is the strategy. Throw the most ridiculous and obvious to be rejected bills at us first so we expand a lot of energy, and then cut away at public lands with the death through 1000 cuts strategy.

I can't make the rock solid, cocksure predictions like Albus does,
I think we have only seen the tip of "ridiculous". Stay tuned.
Has anyone been able to identify who the good guys in congress are regarding the public lands issue. It would seem, that it would be beneficial to encourage those on our side to continue to stand with us, as well as to try influence those on the wrong side of the issue. Perhaps our advocates have already been identified, but, I'm new to the forum and the issues at hand, so please bear with me. I'll be the first to admit, that I was an ignorant sod, but that's not the case any longer. I'm hoping to further educate myself, and have already began to spread the word amongst my peers and those within my limited sphere of influence.
Has anyone been able to identify who the good guys in congress are regarding the public lands issue. It would seem, that it would be beneficial to encourage those on our side to continue to stand with us, as well as to try influence those on the wrong side of the issue. Perhaps our advocates have already been identified, but, I'm new to the forum and the issues at hand, so please bear with me. I'll be the first to admit, that I was an ignorant sod, but that's not the case any longer. I'm hoping to further educate myself, and have already began to spread the word amongst my peers and those within my limited sphere of influence.

As the opening to Oneye's post said, "contact your representatives, whoever they are...". Good place to start is act locally. Send your state's DC delegation communications telling them where you stand and asking them where they do. By their response, you'll probably learn their intent. This stuff ain't exactly enjoyable, but our form of government, after all, is "by the people for the people". Welcome to the fray. You are definitely not the only guy to jump into this thanks to seeing what you give a rip about is threatened by the very folks that are supposed to represent us.
Has anyone been able to identify who the good guys in congress are regarding the public lands issue. It would seem, that it would be beneficial to encourage those on our side to continue to stand with us, as well as to try influence those on the wrong side of the issue. Perhaps our advocates have already been identified, but, I'm new to the forum and the issues at hand, so please bear with me. I'll be the first to admit, that I was an ignorant sod, but that's not the case any longer. I'm hoping to further educate myself, and have already began to spread the word amongst my peers and those within my limited sphere of influence.
Thanks for what you have done already! Contact your representatives and simply let them know you do not support HR 622 nor any sale or transfer of federal public lands. Just doing that and spreading the word and getting a few more people to do it is a great way to help. If ou have $25 join Backcountry hunters and Anglers or donate to the TRCP, and get others to do the same if they can. There are many things you can do to help and they are greatly appreciated. A general rule is if a politician is a Republican they are far more likely to be on the wrong side of this issue. That's coming from me a registered republican. Just make sure you contact your representatives. Email and call if you have the time.
Done deal. Just sent an email to my congressman. First time for doing that, guess my political activism cherry has been popped!
Checked on this and it is still kicking around. It has been referred the House Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry. I reckon the next thing to watch for would be hearings.
Checked on this and it is still kicking around. It has been referred the House Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry. I reckon the next thing to watch for would be hearings.
Yes it is unlikely he will kill this bill, so keeping pressure on all of our own reps is going to be vital to killing this bill. Hopefully t goes no where.
Here is a nice little form letter from one of the NC Senators, with no word back from others. Not very encouraging:

Dear Mr. Braswell:

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on H.R. 622, the Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act. I appreciate hearing from you.

As you are aware, on January 24, 2017 Representative Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced H.R. 622. If enacted, this bill would remove the law enforcement function from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service.

I do believe that states should be involved in significant decisions that affect public lands within their state borders, and we need to ensure that the federal resources are being used efficiently. If this issue comes before the Senate, I will keep your views in mind.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me again about other important issues.


Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator
I just got notification that Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT), "asked unanimous consent that he may hereafter be considered as the first sponsor of H.R. 622, a bill originally introduced by Representative Chaffetz, for the purpose of adding cosponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Agreed to without objection."

So we are probably going to be seeing some action on this now.

Rep. Chris Stewart - (202) 225-9730 Like so many other Republicans I have tried to contact on public trust issues they are keen to strip the public of, if you are not in their district (you have to provide your zip code), the email form on their website will not let you submit an email comment. I have not been able to find an email address with which to email him.

Anyone from Utah know of an email address that actually works to get a comment on the public record that isn't whitewashed by a phone call message?
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I know how to stop illegal marijuana grows on public land and raise enough money to never have to worry about public land backlog again. And so does every other thinking person.
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