Caribou Gear

Helping Others Reach Goals

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
It is pretty common for people to ask me to take them fishing. The nice thing about not being a guide is that I get to pick and choose who I will or won't take fishing. I'm pretty picky, just out of the fact you just can't trust a lot of people. Meaning you show them a place once, and then they tell everyone, and ruin the place. However some people also deserve a chance. I pretty much always take family and know them well enough that trust is not an issue. I am extremely lucky to be born into a great family. Every once in a great while I'll meet someone that it just feels right, and I have to trust my gut that things will work out just fine. This has rarely failed me in regards to hunting and fishing. There have only been a couple of duds in over 5 decades, so that's pretty good odds. All this to say I recently helped a couple of young ladies (they were strangers to me), and also my brother along with his work partner achieve their fishing goals. The young ladies were hoping to catch new personal best tiger trout. My brother and his work partner were just hoping to catch their first tiger trout. Let's just say all goals were met and it was a ton of fun helping them all out.

First up to bat this young lady caught a really solid 18" tiger trout. Definitely her new PB.

Next her friend had really wanted to catch one bigger than 10" long, which was the biggest tiger she had caught up to this point. She ended up with a couple tiger trout that went 17". I really got a kick out of her showing total appreciation for the opportunity to catch and release this fish. A little gratitude goes a long ways in my world.

We endured cold temperatures and often white out blizzard conditions, but they persevered and we had a great time. In fact, it was me that finally had to tell them we had to go or we may not be able to get down off the mountain. It was good we left when we did as it dropped a foot of snow on the lake and the road out would have been nearly impossible to navigate. It was a great day and they both accomplished their goal of new PB tiger trout.

The next weekend my brother and his work partner showed up. They are both plumbers that work for the same company. They put in ridiculous hours. In fact they had just come off of a 72 hour work week. They worked late into the night and then drove half the night to be to my place by 7:45am. I am so glad the fish cooperated! The were both able to catch a fair number of tiger trout and they had a great time and it was the perfect therapy for a long work week.

My brother with his first tiger trout. Fishing with family really makes my heart truly happy.

His work partner with his first tiger. He said he would have been happy to catch just one, but the fish were much kinder than that, and he landed several before the day was over.

Both of these amigos with a double they caught. While I did catch fish I was blessed to stay behind the camera instead of in front of it. Besides, neither trip was remotely about me, nor should it have been. I'm still riding the natural high that goes with helping others achieve their goals. Hope y'all enjoy the photos.
Well done, passing it on, paying it forward is so important. Hell Ive never caught a Tiger Trout.
Just turned 13yr old boy here in town Has somehow figured out my fishing schedule. If I'm going I can count on him to show up! Lives with his grandfather and grandpa doesn't fish or shoot much. Got into this kid fishing for cats and he just doesn't have any patience for it. So he runs up and down the river fishing for bass and when I hook a cat he comes and reels it in for me! Has his own fishing rod but prefer's one of mine!

Well can't find the picture's on him and he fish! So he's been to several different spots on the John Day River, out on the Columbia once and to a small lake about 40 mi from home. Resivour in Prineville get enough water in it we'll go work him out on crappie's. Kid like's to shoot too but all he'd ever shot was his grandfather's 30-30. He thought it was just alright but then he'd never shot anything else. Started him out with a 9mm then to a 38 spec with cast loads Then got out the 6'5x55 for him and he liked it a lot more than grandpa's 30-30. So moved him along to a 243 and hes now in love with a 243. Only problem is none of my rifle's fit him! Well found a stock for the 243 that is a starter for young people and soon as I can gonna get it. Think I'm gonna lose a 243!

Found a couple photo's of him. Guess he think's I'm to frail to reel in my own! :) Well shoot, can't get them here!


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