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Episode 96 - Hunting Advocacy and Politics with Cameo by US Senator Jon Tester


New member
Dec 4, 2015
I need to correct you on one thing you said during the podcast that is not true. At one point in your conversation with Senator Tester, you included the state of Oregon in your list of states where on State Trust Lands, recreational target shooting is not allowed. I believe this is not true. The State of Oregon Department of Forestry manages most of the State's Trust Lands and they explicitly state that target shooting is allowed. Check out this website:

I also could not find anywhere in the Oregon Statutes that explicitly prohibits target shooting.
I could not find where it was allowed or disallowed, so I called the State Land Board and was told, with no hesitation, that recreational shooting was not allowed on Oregon State Trust Lands. If I was told incorrectly I want to be corrected. Is it safe to say ODF and that link applies to State Trust Land?
Great podcast Randy�� keep up the good work and thanks for calling out other media platforms in the outdoor space to get involved and advocate openly for hunting, fishing and public land. It'd be tough to make politics as "sexy" as the newest ultralight gear review or the "5 steps to get a big buck" articles. It's so important to reinforce the vital roll politics play in our future enjoyment of the outdoors. I like the sexy topics just as much as the next guy but, their relevance depends on us speaking up and fighting for the lifestyle we all love so much. Keep it up Randy.
Randy, I'd say the person you talked to was wrong.

Per the actual code for the Dept of State Lands, Ch 141-122-0030 []

(9) "Common School Forest Land" is Trust Land that has been designated or "certified" by the State Land Board and the Oregon Board of Forestry for management by the Oregon Department of Forestry under contract between the State Forester and the State Land Board as allowed in ORS 530.450 through 530.520.
(35) "State Land" or "State-Owned Land" is land owned or managed by the Department or its agents and includes Trust Land and Non-Trust Land.

General Provisions

(1) All Trust and Non-Trust Land under the jurisdiction of the State Land Board and the Department is open and available for public recreational use...

So the trust lands are managed by the Dept of Forestry.

And per Dept of Forestry Ch 629-025-0040 General Forest Recreation Rules and Public Conduct []
(9) Target Shooting.

(a) A Person may not:

(A) Place targets on live trees or shoot live trees for any purpose;

(B) Shoot across or along any road or trail;

(C) Shoot carelessly, recklessly, or without regard for the safety of any Person, or in a manner that endangers, or is likely to endanger, any Person or property;

(D) Shoot glass of any kind;

(E) Shoot appliances, furniture, or other materials determined by Department personnel or a law enforcement officer to be garbage;

(F) Shoot targets other than non-exploding targets commercially manufactured for the specific purpose of target shooting, except for paper targets privately manufactured by the Person or persons engaging in target shooting; or

(G) Engage in target shooting or other shooting related activity at times between one half-hour after sunset until one half-hour before sunrise.

(H) Shoot into a stream, waterfall, pond, lake, or other body of water.

(b) A Person engaged in target shooting must:

(A) Remove from State Forest Land all shell casings, targets, and other debris resulting from the target shooting activity; and

(B) Use an appropriately sized, non-flammable, natural backstop or a commercially-manufactured bullet recovery system of sufficient size to capture all projectiles.

Big Fin, I really liked this podcast and can relate with Marcus and especially Michael. I unfortunately think that it it’s so convoluted with mis information it’s hard to know what a candidate actually will actually do after the election. My mailbox has been flooded with R verses D. I Simply want the best person for the job, I could care less what color thier tie is. With limited time raising a family how is one supposed to see thru the spam and get to the best person for the job?
Big Fin, i've found myself in a very weird position. Especially moving to Utah 3 years ago and embracing the outdoors 10x fold. Such a hot topic hear in regards to public land, I feel more people here need to hear your position and your experience. Especially hunters ive ran into that blindly support (R) side of things, and have no idea whats going to happen. Please come to Utah and speak, id urge many to attend.

Starting to really put what matters to me into perspective. Hunting, fishing, climbing and public lands. But that also puts people who own AR-15s in the cross-fire, such a weird time. I wish things weren't so cut and dry and so far left and right...

Oh and the pod cast was awesome. Thanks for the honest content.

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