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Elk Hunt Roster Region 3


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2011
I just checked the MTFWP hunt roster website and I'm number 1 on the list for the unit I picked. What is the earliest date the FWP uses the damage hunts? I assume it would be late fall/winter. Is it cow only or any elk on the roster Hunts? What are the hunts like or is it more of a harvest? Thanks
Being #1 on the list you might be hunting Sept. Depending on area. Cow only.

Started Sept 15 last year in 380 I believe.

They are elk so most provide a challenge but you are hunting elk coming off the cultivated.

Every ranch is different so it is tough to guess the difficulty. By the number of shots I heard scouting moose it was a challenge in that area.

Congrats - lots of people put in for that.
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What are some of the "better" units to put in for on the hunt roster? I was number 1 in a unit last year and never got a call.
What are some of the "better" units to put in for on the hunt roster? I was number 1 in a unit last year and never got a call.

I've never done so know nothing about it. Just noticed because they were rifling cows in September.

It is driven by land owner complaints so it varies greatly in each area. I've spoke with a few like you - high number but never got a call.
Thanks guys! I really hope if I get called it's later into October. I have a super busy work schedule until mid-Oct.
I don't think there are any units better than others. It's mostly luck, this was my 3rd year to apply. And I still may not get called. I was number 2 for a deer permit in 170 last year and never got called.
I put in for the roster hunt every year and have only been called once. Did 380 this year and my number is 6 hundred something. It really depends on whether it's game damage (elk are eating my alfalfa now, come shoot them and scatter) or a management hunt (over objective numbers with enough landowner complaints). I'm curious to see with the rollout of shoulder seasons if management type hunts will be not as common.
Yes, game damage hunts start August 15th. A few years ago I was called on a whitetail hunt for that week. It was 85° that day and I brought several coolers of ice with me. I shot a doe at 8:30 AM and there were HUNDREDS of ticks on it! I could not get the hide off fast enough!
My son has been called in 380 a couple of different years. I would like to say it was a good experience but it was generally a waste of time. If a person could actually hunt or surrounding land owners participated it would help. Both years we were directed to very specific areas (hayfields). Each year we were not the first ones called. By the time we were called the elk had pretty much figured things out and left the open areas onto land we couldn't hunt by shooting light. We always found elk but they were always off limits. A bit frustrating. I have heard others had better experiences depending on where they were called and assigned to hunt. Both years the calls came by Labor Day weekend.
I have had it in 380 back a couple years ago. The hunt started on August 15 and I had a week to fill a tag. I never got one in a couple tries but the week after I was picked they killed a bunch in the same area. It all depends on timing and if the elk are there or not.
I've done the North Hills (HD 283) hunt and this has been my experience. The landowners say, "there hasn't been an elk on the property in six months" but it is nice to get out and.... who knows? It's elk hunting and ANYTHING can happen :)
My unit I put in for is by Dillon, not 380. If it's too early (Aug/Sept) I may have to let someone else have first shot. I did draw a elk b tag in the Pioneers so I may just focus on that cow tag and a general bull tag in Region 3. I appreciate the feedback guys.
What are some of the "better" units to put in for on the hunt roster? I was number 1 in a unit last year and never got a call.

They don't have hunts in every district. For next year call FWP and find out where they need people, and also areas where you might find a decent hunt instead of shooting elk at a haystack. Sometimes you only get a day's notice (or less) so you have to be flexible.

Of course most places went to shoulder hunts so you may have to marry into a ranching family to get access. ;)
Like others said above it depends on their needs but could be as early as August 15. I was 86 on the roster for 393 and got called mid January, first day all the elk had been pushed onto a private ranch we weren't allowed to hunt second day the elk were up above the ranch we were allowed to access on public. I shot one right at shooting light and had it in the truck by 10:30am. We packed the elk out like you would during general season, we weren't allowed to access the elk with a vehicle. Definitely go into the hunt prepared for a hard elk hunt, FWP's biggest complaint about the whole thing is that people show up completely unprepared to hunt and assume they are going to drive right up to the elk. Apparently there was a guy the week before my hunt who showed up in jeans with no backpack and got all pissed when they told him he would have to hike.

Also I put in for a deer roster last year as well I was 9 on the list got called early had to decline because I had obligations that weekend and then got called again after they had worked through the whole list.
Just so you know, Being #1 on the list right now doesn't mean anything other than you were 1st to sign up. They shuffle the deck before they issue calls. So you may end up at the bottom or whatever.
Just so you know, Being #1 on the list right now doesn't mean anything other than you were 1st to sign up. They shuffle the deck before they issue calls. So you may end up at the bottom or whatever.

I don't think that's correct. They already did the numbering and they only send the letter to the top 100 in a unit. Which would seem to suggest that they have the numbers set.
If you have a letter stating your #1 on the list that's different than looking at the online hunt roster which is what the Pagosa stated he did. If you've got a letter without a number your somewhere between 1 and 100 and will be called accordingly.
Hmmm... I got a letter with the same position on it as was on the web last year, but the regs are super ambiguous with land owner selection and the various types of hunts. Seems like they are trying to keep it vague on purpose.
Hmmm... I got a letter with the same position on it as was on the web last year, but the regs are super ambiguous with land owner selection and the various types of hunts. Seems like they are trying to keep it vague on purpose.

That was my thoughts, but I'm probably wrong. I will probably not be hunting in the roster hunts, due too the fact I drew a cow tag in a good unit I hunt in Region three for bulls also. Thanks for the insight.
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