NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Dealing with Insurance and a house fire

We had a fire in 2013 and it was a total loss due to small amounts of asbestos in various materials. The fire however was on an outside wall and into the attic. Very little belongings were actually destroyed so there was physical evidence of everything....quantity, brand names, condition etc etc.

People talk about lawyers being ambulance chasers but after a house fire I think the adjusters/clean up crews are probably worse. One guy was at our door at 7:30am when the fire was at 1am. Total slime ball, but he at least gave us the idea of the need for an adjuster to represent us. In total, we had four different people down our driveway by 10am all looking to earn a bid.

We took our time and used a company called Greenspan and it was well worth every bit of the 10% we paid them. The hours of time and stress was worth it, but they clearly got us more out of our claim and paid for themselves. State Farm was slow to move on everything and it's pretty clear they just try and drag everything out to slow payment (manage cash flow) and there's an added benefit of fatigue on the policy holder. The adjuster has an incentive to max out the claim.

Ultimately it took almost two years to finalize the claim all the way through construction. We filled nearly every bucket and sub bucket possible from code upgrades, to accessory building to landscaping funds. It's amazing on what they will try and fight you on. They didn't bat an eye at some faux birch sticks for a couple hundred bucks they they could have got way cheaper, but when you present them 10 sets of 12 name brand cloth napkins they want to take you to the matt on it....some of it is seriously baffling, but our adjuster dealt with most of it and we move into more or less of a review role which was a blessing when I was working 60+ hour weeks and my wife was growing her practice.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, happy to help.
We had a fire in 2013 and it was a total loss due to small amounts of asbestos in various materials. The fire however was on an outside wall and into the attic. Very little belongings were actually destroyed so there was physical evidence of everything....quantity, brand names, condition etc etc.

People talk about lawyers being ambulance chasers but after a house fire I think the adjusters/clean up crews are probably worse. One guy was at our door at 7:30am when the fire was at 1am. Total slime ball, but he at least gave us the idea of the need for an adjuster to represent us. In total, we had four different people down our driveway by 10am all looking to earn a bid.

We took our time and used a company called Greenspan and it was well worth every bit of the 10% we paid them. The hours of time and stress was worth it, but they clearly got us more out of our claim and paid for themselves. State Farm was slow to move on everything and it's pretty clear they just try and drag everything out to slow payment (manage cash flow) and there's an added benefit of fatigue on the policy holder. The adjuster has an incentive to max out the claim.

Ultimately it took almost two years to finalize the claim all the way through construction. We filled nearly every bucket and sub bucket possible from code upgrades, to accessory building to landscaping funds. It's amazing on what they will try and fight you on. They didn't bat an eye at some faux birch sticks for a couple hundred bucks they they could have got way cheaper, but when you present them 10 sets of 12 name brand cloth napkins they want to take you to the matt on it....some of it is seriously baffling, but our adjuster dealt with most of it and we move into more or less of a review role which was a blessing when I was working 60+ hour weeks and my wife was growing her practice.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, happy to help.
Big question, did you stay with State farm after your claim?
Big question, did you stay with State farm after your claim?
Yep, part of it was because we almost had to as carriers are retracting in our area (because of wildfires), but at the same time I wouldn't expect anything different from any other carrier.

We also got a new house that we made more resilient to wildfires which allowed SF to give us some additional breaks on policy.
Yep, part of it was because we almost had to as carriers are retracting in our area (because of wildfires), but at the same time I wouldn't expect anything different from any other carrier.

We also got a new house that we made more resilient to wildfires which allowed SF to give us some additional breaks on policy.
That's always my judge after a big claim. I stayed with All State, and I hope OP has good luck too.
The wildfire thing is HUGE right now. We had a cabin down in the mts of NorCal for 17 years. Years 1-15 our policy went from $514/yr to $548/yr.
Next policy period after the Carr & Camp fires…$1447/yr. and again, this was a hunting CABIN!
I’m absolutely no help, but I’m sorry to hear about this, Preston. I hope you have a quick, painless resolution!!!
Group, I greatly appreciate Jay and those individuals that reached out too me with help and the direction on this forum. It has been a great help. The insurance company is processing the dwelling claim really quickly and they are being very fair. Still working with the personal belongings adjuster, and hopefully it goes well. Hopefully we can begin the salvaging effort to save as much material as possible and cleanup by late March. Rebuilding will be few years down the road. God is great
Group, I greatly appreciate Jay and those individuals that reached out too me with help and the direction on this forum. It has been a great help. The insurance company is processing the dwelling claim really quickly and they are being very fair. Still working with the personal belongings adjuster, and hopefully it goes well. Hopefully we can begin the salvaging effort to save as much material as possible and cleanup by late March. Rebuilding will be few years down the road. God is great
So happy to hear man, honestly best news I've heard all day easily.

Still feel free to reach out if you'd like, I picked up a few tips and tricks working with All State during my claim.
Edit added: posts crossed in black hole! Great news!!

Documentation will be your friend; write down every call, date, time, who, subject matter, agreed resolution, their actions, your actions and follow up dates and calls. Send email confirming discussed subject and agreed upon actions. Request all agreed upon statements by insurance company in writing. If you do not get them, follow up and learn how to climb their corporate chain of command tree. Also the State Insurance Commission for formal complaints is not bad leverage if they become really PITA..

Use your phone calendar as well to document and as well as follow up calls or follow up actions.

Monday morning quarterbacking: photograph every room in house, preferably with a digital camera so you can save the SD card in a fire proof location. Do this EVERY Year or when you have made major cost changes to your property. Include photos of every piece of electrical device, mechanical with serial numbers clearly visible. Include photos of outside structures and their contents as they are stored. Include photos of the actual outside structures as well. If you subscribe to a Cloud, not a bad idea but Mr. Conspiracy me will not let a company "mine" my photos for their marketing or Other needs. Not that hard to do and is absolutely iron clad proof they cannot overlook. I have certain documents and SD cards in a small fire safe that I place in my gun safe.

Keep your complete insurance policy in safe fire proof location.

If you had to do a bug out for whatever reason, grabbing a small fire proof safe with this detail will be huge "save" for future claims.

Good luck and do not get discouraged, this is a fight that you are your only advocate so stay strong.
I work in LE and have been involved in numerous fire investigations. You need to find a professional adjuster NOW! In most big fires, people and companies hire professional adjusters (might not be the technically proper name). Your insurance is not your friend. The professional adjuster cost a lot (please don’t quote me but I think the standard is 10%).

They can be a huge help in dealing with you adjuster. At the very least try and consult with one. Not sure what the total on your claim would be but definitely worth your time to call.
Best advice !
I do a number of fire restoration a year for GG&G Adjusters usually will charge 10% but will get you a lot more then you'll expect.
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