

Well-known member
May 30, 2017
The pool is set! Anyone making any bets on which team will come out on top this year in Omaha? I think I'll have to pull for UW since it is their first but hey, as long as there's good baseball being played I don't really care!
My brother coached that Langworthy kid from Florida who hit that walk off home run the other night for 5 years in middle school and high school down in Williston, Florida so I would love to see him do well. Like you though, I just like to watch some good ball.
If you have never been it is an amazing experience. Great stadium and so much fun with all the different fanbases in town. If you do go find seats in the shade as it is much more comfortable than sitting in the sun on hot days.

Looks like another great lineup this year with some surprises like UConn.
Went to the Florida-Tech game, and the Florida-Arkansas game, and it was a great experience. Definitely should be a bucket list item for any sports fans out there!
I really wish I could've experienced Rosenblatt; but compared to an MLB playoff game, I would say the atmosphere was almost comparable. Sure, it is smaller than an MLB park, but the experience is well worth the trip.