Cold smoking jerky


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2017
I am going to attempt a batch of antelope jerky in the morning right now I have it in the marinade. I have made jerky using a dehydrator before never have smoked any though. My wife was generous enough to buy me a Louisiana pellet grill for my birthday last year and she bought me the cold smoke cabinet as well. (She's too good for me) just curious to see if anyone has experimented with some kind of cold smoker for jerky. In a few forums I have read most guys smoke at 200 for 3 hours some smoke for 7 hrs around 120. Tips, tricks, or tactics would be greatly appreciated by this greenhorn. Thanks
I cook my jerky on my smoker. It all depends on how thin you are cutting it. I personally end up around 170 - 180 for as long as it takes. Sometimes 3 or 4 hours and sometimes 5 or 6. If in doubt take it out. It is easy to over cook it.
If you smoke it on the underdone side of 90-95% moisture loss, make sure you vacuum seal it. First time I made it I had a fair amount mold. I like it a little less dry and vacuum seal it in small batches.
I would agree for sure on the small batches vacuum sealed. I put mine in the freezer until I'm going to eat a package. If you have a big package and are eating on it for a week or so you better not seal it up or it will mold. I'm sure if you lived somewhere that actually had humidity it might mold even faster.
I do jerky and jerky sticks at times. Don't over smoke them, its easy to do. I run mine at about 160-170deg wit a pan of water for about an hour and light smoke, then turn it down to about 130, no water and no smoke, when its done, its done. Can take 2-4 hours, just depends on humidity, thickness, etc. Its all packed and frozen for later or stored in the fridge.
I do jerky and jerky sticks at times. Don't over smoke them, its easy to do. I run mine at about 160-170deg wit a pan of water for about an hour and light smoke, then turn it down to about 130, no water and no smoke, when its done, its done. Can take 2-4 hours, just depends on humidity, thickness, etc. Its all packed and frozen for later or stored in the fridge.
If you over smoke it doesn't matter what you season/marinade it with all you'll taste is the smoke.
Well. .... should've pulled out.... came out a little crispy sure is unreal how quick things can change. Will try another batch this weekend. Thanks for the advice guys.

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