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Clumsy Footed Minutemaids Tripping Sensors to Border Patrol's Dismay


Did I say he was not being liberal towards illegals? Because I am a Republican and voted for Bush does NOT mean I agree with everything Bush or the party does.

Then why are we having the discussion about illegals? If you dont agree with shrubs "liberal view towards illegals" why did you vote for him...AGAIN? Why are you gripping about policy YOU MADE HAPPEN when you cast your vote?

Until you make the effort to elect someone that represents your views and tackles the illegal issue (that you really do seem to care about) suffer the consequences of having to "dance with what brung ya'"

Maybe its time to start voting for the issues instead of the party line...
Buzz, ok I'll say it since nobody else wants to admit it...Bush Sucks! Yes he does and that's a fact. BUT...from what I remember, Kerry's ideas toward illegal immigration weren't much different from GWB's. He was possibly slightly LESS liberal than Bush, but not by much. (yes, I said Kerry is less liberal than Bush) :D
BuzzH said:

Then why are we having the discussion about illegals? If you dont agree with shrubs "liberal view towards illegals" why did you vote for him...AGAIN? Why are you gripping about policy YOU MADE HAPPEN when you cast your vote?

Until you make the effort to elect someone that represents your views and tackles the illegal issue (that you really do seem to care about) suffer the consequences of having to "dance with what brung ya'"

Maybe its time to start voting for the issues instead of the party line...

The reason we are having this discussion about illegal aliens is because the thread topic is loosely associated with it and this is where the conversation has gotten us: I brought up some state issues and a law recently passed and you asked me what I thought of Bush's handling of the illegal issue.

I think it's unrealiastic for me to expect to find any presidential candidate or political party that I will be 100% agreement with. If I was lucky enough to do that, it would be unrealistic to never expect change. The world and society is constantly changing, so my views may change over time. As do laws, politican's platforms, etc.

I chose to vote for Bush because I felt on the whole, he was the better candidate. Never did I think he would ALWAYS do as I thought was best.

I don't see where I was griping about Bush and how he handled the illegal issue. You asked asked my opinion, and I stated it. Stating a negative opinion isn't griping.

Whose says I always vote party line? Why would anyone assume I always or would always vote party line? I do not recall ever having said that.
Washington Hunter said:
Buzz, ok I'll say it since nobody else wants to admit it...Bush Sucks! Yes he does and that's a fact. BUT...from what I remember, Kerry's ideas toward illegal immigration weren't much different from GWB's. He was possibly slightly LESS liberal than Bush, but not by much. (yes, I said Kerry is less liberal than Bush) :D

Don't you think that Kerry, the alleged Flip-Flopper, would have strengthened his position on immigration if he would have known the AZZclowns in AZ would have voted for him and against Dubya??? Look how many people were more concerned about Kerry's actions 40 years ago than about Dubya's actions in the first term. Talk about missing an opportunity to drive an issue.

Fair enough, and by the way, I didnt say YOU voted party line...sorry if that came off that wasnt intended to. There is a lot of that going on...and why we're stuck with shrub for 3 1/2 more years....long, long, long years.

The only thing I know is this:

In his first term shrub did absolutely NOTHING to address the illegal problem.

If illegal immigration was in the top couple issues in the state I live in (and I thought it was important)...there is NO FREAKING way he would have gotten my vote the second time around.

Whats important to me is exactly why neither Kerry or Shrub got my vote...
Good call Buzz...AprilwW provides a damn well spoken counterpoint without denigration.
I dont think he deserved this from you: "So why dont you go and feed your dog or gas up your suv and quite wasting our time by posting your tipycle bullshit in SI"

Big Sigh....
What did that have to do with this topic

or this

Was anyone addressing you?

I know I wasnt...

Try and stay on topic, don't just follow me around, enfatuated. No, it is not a self-portrait, and it doesn't matter, as I am not your type. I would think that Hunting Boards are lousy places for you to try and pick up people for your deviant trysts.

Is it now ok for people to follow others around taking swipes at them?

Nobody was adressing you, nobody cares about your opinion, as you don't have one on the topics of these threads. Please be quiet until we need instructions on digging holes in the ground, beastiality, necrophillia, or one of the other limited subjects you have experience in.

Three of a kind, all great minds!!!

How do the Democrats get votes from Illegal Aliens who CAN'T vote????

I bet all you hear for an answer is the sound of....crickets chirping.....

No surprise, Cheese doesnt get it.

I think you are mistaken, this issue is an Internal Issue to the GOP. It is a fight between the Right Wing Nuts, the Isolationists, the Uneducated, and the Wealthy within the GOP.

I don't think the Illegal Alien vote wins elections, but the "cater to the ______ nuts in the GOP" vote does....

Given that Dubya won the AZ election, and Prop 200 passed with a big margin, do you really think there are that many illegal aliens standing in line at the election booth???

That is funny you can't even get a simple joke. You truly are a clueless individual.

If you have anything that discusses the number of illegals that voted, please pass it along. I just can't imagine that the number is significant, but I would like to be educated. And I think Curly was just making shit up, and had no clue what he was talking about.

The issue of receiving government benefits and using government services is different than voting for candidates. We give tons of benefits to people who don't or can't vote.

What does a silver spoon have to do with this topic and gunner asking for proof that illegals vote?

I would also like to see some very well may be a true statement.

This sucks, you cant even get a freaking answer anymore on this board, even to a ligitimate question.

Instead you get a bunch of bullshit silver spoon pie in the sky non-sense

AprilW said, " but it's in their family and friends' best interest to vote for the politician who is most liberal towards illegals."

I agree and thats why they'll vote for a republican like Shrub.

Tell me how his actions or ideas ARE NOT LIBERAL TOWARDS ILLEGALS.

Then why are we having the discussion about illegals? If you dont agree with shrubs "liberal view towards illegals" why did you vote for him...AGAIN? Why are you gripping about policy YOU MADE HAPPEN when you cast your vote?

Until you make the effort to elect someone that represents your views and tackles the illegal issue (that you really do seem to care about) suffer the consequences of having to "dance with what brung ya'"

Maybe its time to start voting for the issues instead of the party line...

Don't you think that Kerry, the alleged Flip-Flopper, would have strengthened his position on immigration if he would have known the AZZclowns in AZ would have voted for him and against Dubya??? Look how many people were more concerned about Kerry's actions 40 years ago than about Dubya's actions in the first term. Talk about missing an opportunity to drive an issue.

Fair enough, and by the way, I didnt say YOU voted party line...sorry if that came off that wasnt intended to. There is a lot of that going on...and why we're stuck with shrub for 3 1/2 more years....long, long, long years.

The only thing I know is this:

In his first term shrub did absolutely NOTHING to address the illegal problem.

If illegal immigration was in the top couple issues in the state I live in (and I thought it was important)...there is NO FREAKING way he would have gotten my vote the second time around.

Whats important to me is exactly why neither Kerry or Shrub got my vote...

Now to end this little post... :D:D:D

Just to remind you, this thread was all about Minutement tripping sensors...

These are only the quotes from you and guner/sybil since it is the two of you that want others to stay on topic you may want to follow your own advise first...
Big Sigh....
What did that have to do with this topic

or this

Now to end this little post... :D:D:D

Just to remind you, this thread was all about Minutement tripping sensors...

These are only the quotes from you and guner/sybil since it is the two of you that want others to stay on topic you may want to follow your own advise first...
Are you really that stupid that you weren't able to follow along, and now have to ask for help?
Wow look at all of the posts on a NON-ISSUE.. HOSE B you lose again

Prove that Minutemen have tripped sensors and that the border patrol dosn`t know it was them [end of story] you lose Again HOSE "B"