Yeti GOBOX Collection

Caribou CITES changes


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2017
Not an expert, but sounds like potential limitations coming on caribou importation across international borders.

I saw this in a email list from a hunting broker selling hunts.

CITES, the international regulatory authority for international shipment across international borders, has recommended all caribou and reindeer species be classified under “Appendix 1”. This change will mean caribou taken in Norway or Canada cannot be shipped to any other country. Likewise, caribou taken in Alaska will only be exportable to other USA destinations.

This seems to bear that out in the recommendations section:


10. * Reindeer/caribou ( Rangifer tarandus )—Add to Appendix I

So currently a recommendation and not yet finalized. Also, I believe there are some Appendix 1 species that you can still get import/export permits leopard, elephant) it’s just much more onerous. But still, not looking good for a Newfoundland woodland caribou hunt I’ve got scheduled down the road.

Curious if any HTers have perspectives / more info on this.
Booking agent scare tactic. Calm yourselves, or don't. It's your $15k, spend it on a cancellation Norwegian reindeer shoot if you want.
Lol, okay
Oh come on, at least elaborate on your mirth? I got the same email as you from Atcheson and Sons pushing their ridiculously expensive cancellation hunts.

The spot where caribou and reindeer are mentioned is underwhelming as cause for alarm.

"B. On what species proposals is the United States undecided, pending additional information and consultations? *

The United States is still undecided on whether to submit CoP19 proposals for the following taxa. In most cases, we have not completed our consultations with relevant range countries. In other cases, in the immediate future we expect meetings to occur at which participants will generate important recommendations, trade analyses, or biological information on the taxon in question that may be useful to our final decisionmaking."
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I got the same email and made some calls to a couple shipping buddies. It's just a scare tactic to sell more hunts

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