Budget Cuts from the DJT Administration


Sep 30, 2016
Here are some of the proposed budget CUTS from the DJT Administration

Environmental Protection Agency:
• Elimination of dozen of programs and projects: $23 billion

Department of the Interior:
• Funding for reclamation of abandoned coal mines: $105 million
• National Park Service funding for infrastructure improvement projects: $20 million
• Funding to conserve significant areas outside the National Park System: $20 million
• Funding for the National Wildlife Refuge Fund: $13 million

• Five earth science missions: $133 million

Department of Agriculture:
• Funding for land acquisition by the Forest Service: $56 million
• Grants for rural water and wastewater programs: $509 million

Department of Commerce:
• Funding for several National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration programs: $273 million

I am sure the Zinke water carriers will rationalize this away just like they did with the roll back of the National Monuments.

I am sure that the DJT cultists will rationalize this away.

But what is indisputable for anyone who is clear eyed and rational is the DJT Administration and the Extraction Industries lackey Zinke are determined to do harm to OUR Public Lands and our environment.

Fight back by calling your congressional leaders. 202-224-3121

Fight back by pulling the Public Land voter handle in 2018

And for the water carriers, I guess you will just keep on carrying water……..



Ye Shall Be Free To Roam……
A lot of this funding is critical for our wildlands and the entire nation. I urge you to look into these programs further and see the good it does for rural America and the entire nation. I'll be giving our congressional leaders a call today and every day from here on out!
Can you also show the other side of the coin? How much was thier budget over the last 5 years, did they use it all, were the projects they working on no longer feasible.

Not to say that it isn’t needed. However, just because it once was doesn’t mean it has to be there for the rest of time. Tell the whole story if you want people to make a educated call, but this post looks just like all the rest of your where you just want to bash. You may commence on your name calling of me now.
Here's a good take from TRCP on the proposed budget cuts and what they mean for conservation: http://www.trcp.org/2018/02/13/trum...sals-suggest-hunters-anglers-must-vocal-ever/

Addicting, Fair questions. Most of these cuts are on top of years of stagnant or declining budgets. If you want to go through and find specific programs to pick apart, I'd be happy to help find the past budgets and numbers you seek.
Here's a good take from TRCP on the proposed budget cuts and what they mean for conservation: http://www.trcp.org/2018/02/13/trum...sals-suggest-hunters-anglers-must-vocal-ever/

Addicting, Fair questions. Most of these cuts are on top of years of stagnant or declining budgets. If you want to go through and find specific programs to pick apart, I'd be happy to help find the past budgets and numbers you seek.

Ben, I don’t need to pick them apart. I just want the whole story not just someone posting like they have a personal vendetta. I work for Uncle Sam as a Soldier. I’ve seen more fraud waste and abuse than I care to admit but each year we cry for a bigger budget. Meanwhile at DLA they tell me I have to buy a minimum quantity of 100 because that’s the contact even though I only need one box to cover the requirements for the next 5 years. Each year on a range we burn off tons of Ammo because if we don’t use it we won’t get it again even though we haven’t needed it for training in years. Some things need a good overhaul others are severely lacking.

It’s OK to cut budgets if there is no longer a need. Show the need in a cause and effect if you want John Q. Public to understand why it matters. It’s unfortunate that Mark has to get on here and condemn the current administration no matter what they do or why. I’m pretty sure Mr Zinke could start laying golden eggs and he would get bashed because he used tax payers twigs to build a nest.

On a different note, that was a very good article in Bugle. Thank you for sharing it.
Ben, I don’t need to pick them apart. I just want the whole story not just someone posting like they have a personal vendetta. I work for Uncle Sam as a Soldier. I’ve seen more fraud waste and abuse than I care to admit but each year we cry for a bigger budget. Meanwhile at DLA they tell me I have to buy a minimum quantity of 100 because that’s the contact even though I only need one box to cover the requirements for the next 5 years. Each year on a range we burn off tons of Ammo because if we don’t use it we won’t get it again even though we haven’t needed it for training in years. Some things need a good overhaul others are severely lacking.

It’s OK to cut budgets if there is no longer a need. Show the need in a cause and effect if you want John Q. Public to understand why it matters. It’s unfortunate that Mark has to get on here and condemn the current administration no matter what they do or why. I’m pretty sure Mr Zinke could start laying golden eggs and he would get bashed because he used tax payers twigs to build a nest.

On a different note, that was a very good article in Bugle. Thank you for sharing it.

That was Ben Long. But I'll take the accolades. He should change his name to not be like mine anyway. :)

Fair points, and I totally agree on waste, especially within the DOD budget. I hear/heard a lot of it from my nieces & nephews (and friends as well) who got the short end of that stick, along with the crappy cold meals & MRE's that were substitutes for hot meals at FOB's.

I'm not sure that experience is necessarily translatable to the non-defense side though. We continue to ask those departments and agencies to do more with less.

Wear your PT belt. I hear it's the only thing keeping you guys safe. :)
That was Ben Long. But I'll take the accolades. He should change his name to not be like mine anyway. :)

Wear your PT belt. I hear it's the only thing keeping you guys safe. :)

I just got done with the article and didn’t even catch the name difference, lol. Anyway I never leave home without it. I’d swear my CSM thinks it protects us from a cars, trucks, and meteorite strikes. If we didn’t have it on we would off all been dead before we were born.
Trump can propose all the budgets he wants. Even Republican senators are telling him, more or less, to pound sand. And hopefully they won't support his budgets in the future. We shouldn't be surprised by Trump's actions and statements. His platform running for president was to turn the economy around. How else would he do it, cut funding to regulatory agencies and turn loose industry on our public lands.

I was hoping that Trump Jr was going to have his dad's ear a little more. But so far I am not impressed with much that Trump has done. I think to help public lands and reduce spending, the Wild Horse and Burro Act could be amended to allow the BLM and FS the ability to do something to reduce those populations that are over AML.

I know this is a imperfect statement but Republicans and Democrats are essentially the same, they spend like hell and the future of our country be damned.
Ben, I don’t need to pick them apart. I just want the whole story not just someone posting like they have a personal vendetta. I work for Uncle Sam as a Soldier. I’ve seen more fraud waste and abuse than I care to admit but each year we cry for a bigger budget. Meanwhile at DLA they tell me I have to buy a minimum quantity of 100 because that’s the contact even though I only need one box to cover the requirements for the next 5 years. Each year on a range we burn off tons of Ammo because if we don’t use it we won’t get it again even though we haven’t needed it for training in years. Some things need a good overhaul others are severely lacking.

It’s OK to cut budgets if there is no longer a need. Show the need in a cause and effect if you want John Q. Public to understand why it matters. It’s unfortunate that Mark has to get on here and condemn the current administration no matter what they do or why. I’m pretty sure Mr Zinke could start laying golden eggs and he would get bashed because he used tax payers twigs to build a nest.

On a different note, that was a very good article in Bugle. Thank you for sharing it.

Man Lots Of truth here. I have worked govt jobs my whole life and can say the same. They have gotten better but still could be lots of Belt Tightening done.
I just got done with the article and didn’t even catch the name difference, lol. Anyway I never leave home without it. I’d swear my CSM thinks it protects us from a cars, trucks, and meteorite strikes. If we didn’t have it on we would off all been dead before we were born.

My niece was a combat medic in AFG for a tour. She said they had to wear them quite a bit.

Because that'll keep you safe from the Taliban.
I’ve seen more fraud waste and abuse than I care to admit but each year we cry for a bigger budget.

Addicting, I get the premise of what your saying and generally agree as striving to do better is always good but the terms waste, fraud, and abuse are not terms to be thrown around lightly. These are reportable to the OIG and I would encourage you to do so if that is truly what you are seeing. I feel that throwing those terms around does a disservice to a lot of government that is run efficiently. If everyone in government focuses on fixing what is within "arms length" that is a start. How do you eat an elephant?
I don’t use that term lightly. I was stationed next to this building and wonder what the hell as I watched it get built from my tent. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-base-NEVER-BE-USED-U-S-troops-sent-home.html

It is a perfect example of our contacting woes. It’s rough when you have a simple idea and propose a common sense solution but due to red tape and bureaucracy it turns into a nightmare. A idea was proposed and sent for approval, several levels changed it and then it was sent for bid. Bids were received and then it was revised and sent back out for bids. 3 years later it was approved and funded. Then once funded and contracted it has to be built or we have to pay out the contractors. This happens all the time and cripples budgets. If we were a business we would be belly up
In addition to what Addicting is saying, I have seen in every level of govt I've worked for as a soldier and a civilian that one organizations budget will not roll over into the next year. Commands are not commended for not spending everything they requested in fact they are reprimanded and penalized. Every year as the fiscal years end approaches it's always the same ok we have xxx amount left we need to figure out how to spend it or we will be reprimanded for asking for too much money and our budget for the following year will be cut. This has led to an exponential growth in govt spending with no end in sight. This mentality needs to be corrected as millions probably more are wasted every year trying to burn the fiscal budget.
Sometimes I also think it is more of a mismanagement issue also. Ex An agency I won't mention realized they were paying way to much for land line services. 80% of the employee's had iPhones. Another story there. But they realized they were paying for 3 land lines per employee when they did the math. So technically 80% of the employee's could have had 3 land lines they never used and an iPhone on their desk. Once numbers were punched over 2 million saved a year. But that don't change the millions already paid for years upon years. WTH?
Here's a good take from TRCP on the proposed budget cuts and what they mean for conservation: http://www.trcp.org/2018/02/13/trum...sals-suggest-hunters-anglers-must-vocal-ever/

Addicting, Fair questions. Most of these cuts are on top of years of stagnant or declining budgets. If you want to go through and find specific programs to pick apart, I'd be happy to help find the past budgets and numbers you seek.
Is the above link ^ the source for the below numbers? I'm always wondering why you don't link your source Mark?
Here are some of the proposed budget CUTS from the DJT Administration

Environmental Protection Agency:
• Elimination of dozen of programs and projects: $23 billion

Department of the Interior:
• Funding for reclamation of abandoned coal mines: $105 million
• National Park Service funding for infrastructure improvement projects: $20 million
• Funding to conserve significant areas outside the National Park System: $20 million
• Funding for the National Wildlife Refuge Fund: $13 million

• Five earth science missions: $133 million

Department of Agriculture:
• Funding for land acquisition by the Forest Service: $56 million
• Grants for rural water and wastewater programs: $509 million

Department of Commerce:
• Funding for several National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration programs: $273 million

I am sure the Zinke water carriers will rationalize this away just like they did with the roll back of the National Monuments.

I am sure that the DJT cultists will rationalize this away.

But what is indisputable for anyone who is clear eyed and rational is the DJT Administration and the Extraction Industries lackey Zinke are determined to do harm to OUR Public Lands and our environment.

Fight back by calling your congressional leaders. 202-224-3121

Fight back by pulling the Public Land voter handle in 2018

And for the water carriers, I guess you will just keep on carrying water……..



Ye Shall Be Free To Roam……
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