Big Finn and Mark Kenyon.


Active member
Aug 4, 2015
Really enjoyed the podcast you guys, it never fails to get me fired up. I may have to use my lack of success on drawing a Wyoming elk tag as a excuse to go whitetail hunting in Montana next year.
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I really enjoyed this podcast, but I gotta say one thing. During you and Mark's discussion on what subjects hunters should stop fighting over, one of you stated that the debate over baiting deer is purely an ethical discussion, and won't negatively impact other hunters (paraphrasing here). This is simply not the case. Baiting has been shown to increase the likelihood/rate of disease transmission (cwd/TB). It has also been shown to artificially concentrate deer, and increase nighttime movement. Sorry for the long post, but had to say something after I listened to this episode.
I also enjoyed this podcast. One thing I would like to request: Big Finn, please encourage Mark to supplement your role of leading the fight against land transfer in the eastern states. He has taken on some of this role in his podcasts, but I would love to see him do more. He seems to be the leading voice for "eastern" public land hunting, and has positioned himself through his writings, podcasts, professional relationships, and social media clout to lead the charge.

There are Forest Service parcels throughout the midwest/eastern/southern states that deserve the same protections as the larger parcels in the west. I've been educating myself a little on the Weeks Act of 1911, and the justification for these lands--both the legal justification under the Commerce Clause and Property Clause, and the moral/environment justifications from the standpoint of wildlife preservation, watershed protection, etc. I will do my part to help the crusade, but I don't have the platform or time to have the same effect as Mark.
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Joel, shoot Mark a message. He's been good about reading all of them and responding when we has time. Though sometimes it takes quite a while to get back to you.