Archery Hunting Seminar At Great Rockies Outdoor Show


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
My oldest son is a very capable archer. As a civil engineer, he looks at everything from a very calculated point of view. He knows every piece of archery equipment and their various strong points or weak, depending on the application of the device. I am happy to sight my bow in at 20 yards with a bullseye about the size of a tennis ball, he will shoot at a Q-tip.

Since he came back to Montana from Alaska, he devotes most of his energy towards archery elk hunting. Since then he has gotten several Pope and Young bulls. He is disappointed if he hunts elk with a rifle, as he is used to getting elk with a bow.

I am looking for low hanging fruit, while he is testing the wind, weather and potential movement of the elk. I like hunting the more level terrain, he and his brother pack back in several miles and chase elk all day. I do wish I was 30 years younger, but that won't happen. I am amazed at his techniques and dedication, which leads to success more than failure.

This month in Billings, they had the Great Rockies Outdoor show and asked him to give a seminar on elk hunting with a bow. I went along to carry gear and listen. When he started calling, people started showing up. There is nothing like the sound of an elk bugle, especially when it sounds like an elk and not a hoochie mamma or a radiator hose.

What a great experience and gratifying to see your son eclipse any success you may have started him with. I have been taking my boys hunting since they were little, I hope they return the favor when I can't hike as much as I used to.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
You taught him right. I have never met him, and couldn't pick him out in a line up, but I guarantee you in later years he will return the favor.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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