April 5 deadline to apply for Colorado

Randy, I think more than a couple people are thinking the same thing about that unit. good luck it is epic elk country. I am going to end up in the mental ward before I end up throwing a dart at the map and try to cash in my 12 deer points. never had this much problem deciding on a unit.
I put in for that HOT unit, D-99-999-P or something like that, a lot of 9s and P and a D
Not Optimistic, But oh well

I put in for two archery and two rifle units. At least points will come my way, and there's always OTC too.
Too late...me and Khunter talked in PM and I'll be in the moose pool, just not this year since I didn't have the extra money budgeted for those points :D

It's more of a loan, minus a small fee you'll get the money back.

I'll take your place and get the tag before K-hunter.:D
I'm in for my fifth pp for deer, I'm getting impatient I might have to cash them in soon.
Put 3 checks in the mail this AM @ $2084 each for trophy species, + another $1300 on CC for a few points and hopefully a deer tag. Will probably end up doing OTC elk. Also put my granddaughter in for her first big game hunt (elk), she just passed hunter Ed in the nick of time. She has always been a bit ambivalent about hunting, but her brother shot an elk last Fall and now she said she wanted to go; never underestimate sibling rivalry!
Just elk and deer preference points for me this year. Good luck to all though!
$933 for a resident for everything, makes Colorado residents look like millionaires compared to Montana residents on application day:eek::D

Stacking that paper.

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