Apple Wood smoked goose breasts


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I have been on the recieving end of my friends hunting geese and then deciding I should get all of them. I have learned long ago that I need to process them quickly or they will be in the freezer for awhile.

Have made tons of jerky, lots of slow cook goose breast, goose enchilada, goose burger until my kids complain that they are growing feathers. So I decided to brine 16 goose breasts in a brine.

Brine Recipe

1/2 gallon Apple Juice
1/2 gallon Orange Juice
1 gallon of Ice water
2 cups Kosher
1/2 cup Mortons tenderquick
2 cups brown sugar
2 table spoons nutmeg
1/3 cup pepper corns
generous portion of pickling spice

I boiled the juice, salt, tenderquick and brown sugar until all was dissolved, while still hot I put in all remaining spices and stirred that up, then dump the gallon of ice water. Let cool completelty.

The goose breast were trimmed of all silver skin, shot up area and fat. Then I brined them for 5 days. Got the smoker to 190 degrees and smoked them for 4 hours using apple wood chips. The last half hour I basted them with a mixture of 1 cup of honey and 1 cup of teriyaki sauce whisked together. My wife still does not believe me that those are goose.

I let them cool and sliced them thin and served them with hot chinese mustard. They are very good.

Apple sprigs on the fire will do wonders for smoked/ grilled salmon as well. Just a little goes a long way...
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