Amercan Lands Council under fire...again

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Now that Montana's own Jennifer Fielder is the CEO of the American Lands Council, I wonder how long until she is the target of these investigations.

Oh wait. She already has been.

Newly released documents show that state Rep. Ken Ivory, the Western lawmaker most identified with the land-transfer movement, often used his legislative email account to conduct business on behalf of the nonprofit he ran and later concealed that activity from investigators.

These allegations are leveled in a complaint the Campaign for Accountability, or CfA, intends to file Wednesday with Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, asking him to reopen a probe into allegations that Ivory scammed county commissioners into ponying up taxpayer money to join the American Lands Council.
Its just hard to believe that there was a single county commission that was gullible enough to buy Ivory's snake oil...

Any county commissioner that approved expenditures to ALC should be voted out next election.
I heard theys against Obummer and the fedrul gubmint and is going get my land back from the burocrats in D.C. That's all I needed to hear so I wrote them a check out of my good constituents tax money.
If anyone is interested in sending in letters to the editor regarding transfer of public lands, now would be a good time to hit the send button to your local paper.

If you want some assistance, feel free to send me an IM.
Its just hard to believe that there was a single county commission that was gullible enough to buy Ivory's snake oil...

Any county commissioner that approved expenditures to ALC should be voted out next election.
Not only one, but two Natrona County commissioners spent $1,000.00 of Taxpayer money without any public input on joining the ALC. I don't know if the entire commission was on board with it, but rancher Rob Hendry was the driving force I'm told.I don't have all the details, but I'll remember that come election time that's for sure.
I contacted the Herald Journal (Logan, UT) about the "donation" to ALC and they ran a front page story which led to multiple Letters To The Editor as well as an Op-Ed and the local radio station covering the "donation" in a very negative light. I doubt Cache County will do that again.