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Allan Eckert "Winning of America" series


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
I just wanted to throw this out as a recommendation for anyone looking for a good series to read. I have been reading Eckert's work for years. He passed away a few years back. His series is about the conquest of the "New World" done in the form of a historic narrative. There are six books in total:

"The Frontiersman" - narrative of Simon Kenton and his exploration of the Kentucky/Ohio Frontier

"Wilderness Empire" - narrative of French and Indian War

"The Conquerors" - narrative of conquest of Pennslyvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Green Bay areas

"The Wilderness War" - narrative of history of Iroquis Nation and Chief Joseph Brant

"Gateway to Empire" - narrative of the conquest of the "gateway to empire" the Chicago area

"Twilight of Empire" - narrative of the conquest of Northern Mississippi river territories

There are several other books written by Eckert that are worth the read including "Tecumseh: A Sorrow in Our Heart" and "That Dark and Bloody River" about the settling of the Ohio River

If you are a history buff, I think you would enjoy all of these books.
I've read " the frontiersman" ," wilderness Empire" and " that dark and bloody river" . All very good books if you like history.
"The Frontiersman" is probably one of my favorite reads ever...A lot of what goes in the book happened right in the area I live and work.
As a guy who grew up along in PA along French Creek -- ground zero for the French and Indian War -- these books were fantastic. I think I've read all of them, some more than once. As I recall, Eckert used to be a/the writer for "Wild Kingdom", the mutual of omaha outdoors show starring Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.
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