Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. Riddale28

    2024 dreams and plans

    What unit have you hunted? I'm really contemplating attempting it myself solely for the challenge. I don't expect to even see let alone harvest a sheep. If you wouldn't mind me picking your brain. Shoot me a DM.
  2. Riddale28

    Giant Muley , cool video

    While I enjoyed the video. I just can't understand peoples needs for attention/likes. If the goal for that guy is to see the deer make another season why the hell post it?
  3. Riddale28

    My "Best" Buck

    Fantastic dude. I'm a father of two boys and a third one due in May. My oldest just turned 4 and I took him for his first sit this Thanksgiving in NY. Was 21° and he made it about 45 minutes in the stand. He said "this is the best day ever in my whole life's entire life" (just like that)...
  4. Riddale28

    South Dakota (NR) Archery Information

    Bro I've been planning 2024 since the muley I arrowed in NE took its last breath. Was my first muley and I got the bug bad. I was putting in 5+ miles everyday just glassing and grinding on foot. Loved every minute of it.
  5. Riddale28

    South Dakota (NR) Archery Information

    Dude, what an awesome follow up. Had a successful public land NE archery mule deer hunt this past season and spent some time talking to a gentleman from SD and I'm going to try my hand at a public DIY for 2024 with my father. Stumbled into hunt talk today and happy to see this thread. Congrats...
  6. Riddale28

    south Dakota mule deer sucsess

    Just doing a bunch of sleuthing trying to plan my next hunt in SD and joined HuntTalk today and getting my street credit built up. So when I finally have questions I can't find myself I'm ready to post them here. Congrats on the success. I got my first muley this year in NE on public with a...