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    Archery Elk in the Gravelly Range of SW Montana

    Bow hunted early in September in the GR and had the same experience. No elk, old sign. While dry, but plenty of water found for elk. Lots of cattle everywhere. I saw no grizz or sign but did talk with a fella from Minnesota who saw 4 adults together, my guess 2 sows w/adult cubs. Talked to a...
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Good words bowman! That's the plan, no guts no glory.
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    😆gotta pay for that subscription 😎 thx! Agree with all!! great wisdom diamond hitch! I think I could still throw one, been a while.
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Thx! That’s good to hear!
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Thx! Great thoughts!
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Thx ntodwild! i luv hunting alone but I don't hunt in griz country. My concern is if I get an critter. Gutting and return packs jobs. I am thinking of local help for $ if it comes to that. Thanks for your thoughts!
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Thanks, watch Randy everyday on the treadmill. Not a super computer guy - but learning!
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    Solo guy needs your thoughts?

    Gentlemen, need your advice. I'm a 66 y/o who is bow hunting Montana elk this season. Important! I will be hunting solo. I've scouted some 300 units (with good griz populations) but most everyone I've talked to says it's a bad idea to solo hunt there. I have a life of outdoor experience, feel I...