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  1. Nitekast

    Thinking of buying an O/A shotgun

    Thats what I have been thinking, I think ill have to wait for a sale though. Do you happen to know what a good sale price would be? Like the "you gotta bite at this price" sale?
  2. Nitekast

    Thinking of buying an O/A shotgun

    I've been eyeing O/A shotguns for a while now for quail and dove. I love the look of them, and while the old pump works just fine in the field I think there is something classic about using one in the field. Do any of you have suggestions on what to buy? They seem more expensive and...
  3. Nitekast

    Mother/wife defends family with an AR 15

    Would be surprised if the larger media outlets covered it. Can't have these stories escape about legal gun owners defending their families and such.
  4. Nitekast

    New from Southern Illinois

    Welcome from AZ!
  5. Nitekast

    New guy from Central Coast, CA

    Welcome from AZ! Sorry to hear about your father, hope you can get some good hunting advice from this community to learn and take your kids out to enjoy the great outdoors!
  6. Nitekast

    Arizona Bison Hunt

    Thanks! Happy to be proven wrong on this one. Really relieves much of the trepidation I had after talking to my coworker about it.
  7. Nitekast

    Trying to learn to fish

    Bass and catfish at the lake we normally go to. For catfish I've tried the cat nuggets and let them sit at the bottom of the lake. For the bass I've used worms with a bobber. And I'm in Phoenix AZ. I've been told before my problem is I'm fishing in Phoenix... but I've seen other people feel...
  8. Nitekast

    Trying to learn to fish

    Okay - this is rather embarrassing, but I've been trying to fish for two years now and the only thing I've ever caught is a buzz. I mean seriously, I'm awful at it. You couldn't be as awful as I am if you tried. Ive considered giving it up completely, but I do rather enjoy sitting on a river...
  9. Nitekast

    Arizona Bison Hunt

    Well it appears my co-workers information has been overwhelmingly rejected by this community! Honestly, that was the only reason I was hesitant about applying for the tag, I dont want to take a shot if I'm uneasy about making a clean kill. I'm gonna dig into it a bit more, but for now I've...
  10. Nitekast

    Arizona Bison Hunt

    I don't disagree, and as I said that is second hand information so take with a grain of salt. It seems counterintuitive to me as well, as i would assume the guides would prefer an accurate and clean kill. But, this is the information that was passed to me and the reason I opted for points only...
  11. Nitekast

    Arizona Bison Hunt

    Had a coworker have this tag a few years back - here's what he told me. Start practicing your long range shooting now. You will have a guide on the hunt and the guide will tell you exactly which bison to shoot - but this apparently varies with hunting location. From reading online it also...
  12. Nitekast

    Newbie from Western Virginia

    Welcome from AZ! Lots of good folks and advice here.
  13. Nitekast

    New guy here from far Southwest Virginia.

    Welcome from AZ!
  14. Nitekast

    New Member from Mississippi

    Welcome from AZ!
  15. Nitekast

    What do you do with your coyotes

    Thanks for the detailed response! Didn't really think of it that way, but you're right. I'm sure in AZ they feast on the rats and mice, which are a huge nuisance.
  16. Nitekast

    What do you do with your coyotes

    May I ask why? Just curious, I would like to try this hunt but my buddy doesn't like the idea of shooting a canine. My opinion is that it's a game animal, as long as it is done in fair chase and cleanly I dont have an issue with it. Would be curious as to why you once did but now refrain.
  17. Nitekast

    AZ spring draw results

    My two buddies got drawn for Jav, posted last Friday on their cc's - looks like I was not so lucky this time around! Darn.
  18. Nitekast

    Reloading Question - Where do you buy your powder?

    Reloading for range and hunting. I would like to press about 2k .223, and 1k .308, then continue pressing to maintain those reserves. Wouldnt mind having a reserve for handgun ammo too.
  19. Nitekast

    Eye Protection While Hunting - What Lenses Do You Use

    Appreciate all the responses and dog pictures guys! Non-related, but here's a picture of our dog camping.
  20. Nitekast

    Pet Peeves

    My pet peeve is people who trash campsites. Always had the "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints" beaten into me as a child. The last campsite we went to we filled up two trash bags with other people's crap. Found three shoes, some carpet, and a plastic bong among the other...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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