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  1. T

    FINALLY - Big Hank!!

    Sweet buck. Freaky cool antlers without looking like a full on mutant. Nice call on the Willie's too!
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    IDBugler and Moosie's 2020 Epic Goat Hunt

    It certainly is an adventure, with many twists and turns. And enough awesome animals to make my head spin lol.
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    Bison, Book Cliffs, Little Creek Roadless (cow only) Kinda long....

    Awesome story and great hunt! Nice job doing the work to get your team (and self) together and strong prior to the hunt. I cant wait to have some horses and mules to work with. Some day!
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    Montana opener/weather going to help or hurt ?

    I just pulled the plug on my drive back to MT for opening weekend. Not worth it to do a white knuckle 12hr drive each way for 3 days of hunting with a 14 degree high (in town) on Sunday. Hopefully make it work in a couple weeks. Good luck and make good choices to everyone that braves the weather.
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    Montana West Yellowstone Buffalo Hunt Partner

    Lots of places to rent a snowmobile or fourwheeler right there depending on what the weathers doing.
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    MR Pop-Up 28...How Do You Carry Your Gun?

    Another vote for the Kifaru Gun Bearer. It is a little adjustment, but after you attach it and pull it off a couple times it is hardly noticable. As far as getting in the way, it is very easy and natural to reach ahead and hold branches out of the way. I even set my binos on top of the barrel to...
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    Cool Bull Elk Story..

    I like that the author clearly made an effort to stick to "the animal Steve wounded" rather than "killed." The story is remarkable, and is a great example of a conservation officer using his judgement to do what he thinks is right. I personally would not have had a shoulder mount done with...
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    Total gear upgrade/acquisition

    For me a buying a good pack is a lot like buying good boots, TRY THEM ON!!! Preferably with some weight that is close to what you will be lugging up the mountain. I've always used a Katadyne Hiker pro pump filter, mostly because I want to be able to filter gross water if I have to, but in the...
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    APR Bison - anybody applying?

    Im in. I will keep applying for the FWP bison tag, but the odds seem against me to say the least. I fully acknowledge that it would be a harvest rather than a hunt, but the opportunity to harvest a bison myself rather than just purchasing a quarter is something I am very interested in. And the...
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    Choosing a revolver - what factors to consider?

    I carry a Taurus tracker in 44mag. Its light enough to not be very much fun to shoot at the range, but not unmanageable. Definitely getting a chest holster from Razco for this fall. I haven't put them on a scale, but in hand it feels pretty comparable in weight to my buddies G20 fully loaded...
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    Elk101 University of Elk Hunting

    UEH was well put together and thoroughly entertaining if nothing else. Definitely gets the stoke flowing for elk season, as if any of us need any encouragement there!
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    February Free Time Fillers

    Skiing, fly fishing when the weather permits, and tying flies mostly for me. And cooking. I would love to do some ice fishing this winter, and at some point I am going to use that wood burner I've had stashed away for ages.
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    Big Sky Billies and Blunders

    Wow what an adventure! That is a truly incredible goat, his hair is amazing! Heal up quick and you'll be back out there before you know it. And don't forget to share some pictures when your trophy gets back from the taxidermist!
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    Corner Crossing Solved

    Except you cant fly and hunt on the same day in most states.
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    Best Antelope/Mule Deer Caliber?

    I have a 300 WM that is my do everything hunting rifle, but I would love to own another lighter (weight and recoil) rifle for putting in some range time between seasons. Quality win-mag ammo gets spendy quick for plinking!I'd probably go with 6.5 PRC or creedmore just for shootability and...
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    Deer Hunting Distractions

    Congratulations on a beautiful wolf Randy! You have certainly put in the time looking for them. Way to take (skillful) advantage of a lucky and unexpected situation. If you are serious about the BBQ I would love to attend. What are you planning to do with the hide?
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    Cool Photo!

    Very neat photo. Tiger trout are up there on my "need-to-catch" list.
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    Montana rifle success

    Nice work! Public land hunting in MT is no joke. It can get crazy out there. Congrats to you both. That is one sweet raghorn, that brow tine is out of control!
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    Who likes a big two point

    Dayum that things sweet with all those extra kickers!
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    First Muley

    Sweet buck man, congrats. I'm working on taking my first Muley this year as well. Euro mounts all the way!