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  1. B

    Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

    0 Just in case I get purged for presenting different data than the vocal left, I'd like to say I have the utmost respect and admiration for Randy. How he falls on a political issue would never cloud my judgment of the man. It's called tolerance and is usually displayed after someone has gained...
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    Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

    Thank you sweety 😘😘, but I'm more of a dick than an asshole.
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    Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

    I do have a clue, I'm briefed by FEMA doctors on a weekly basis. There is no problem of Covid spreading to ambulatory staff.
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    Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

    A SGT and nurse with documented video and exposure to both unsuccessful and successful treatments. Solid intel if you ask me.
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    A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

    It’s actually "classism" but the upper middle class insulated people and the elites that incite them, would never own up to the truth.
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    Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

    :cry: There are hospitals with a 100% success rates with Covid.
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    A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

    I would imagine multiple violent assaults on your rap sheet would increase your likelihood of death by cop. He had an assault on pregnant woman with a gun and an armed home invasion. Also, the VP of the Minneapolis city council said on MSNBC that these guys (Floyd and Cop) worked together for...
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    The Search is Over

    If you look at the linked article, looks to be sticky situation still.
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    Another reminder why you are armed in the woods at all times anymore!

    That guy doesn’t scare me, but from coast to coast, the methhead is the most dangerous thing in the woods. IMO
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    Apartment bird dog

    I've got this little guy in training right now. He is 25lbs soaking wet. In a class of 10 Labs and 10 GSP's, the Cocker is definitely the oddball.
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    Partial List of Things I Don't Get

    C'mon, my therapist told me a firsthand account of how he cured a severely depressed autistic guy with a Ketamine drip. Then he tried to hook me up to the IV. :oops: :D
  12. B

    Partial List of Things I Don't Get

    1. Def Lep. If you aren’t hitting a bowl listening to High and Dry on long road trips, what are you doing? My List: 1. People who think parroting anything from CNN, MSNBC or Maddow is somehow intelligent or responsible. 2. Paper Tigers, you can hire 20 people to a technical position and 2 are...
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    Yardbuck in velvet

    Very glad to see this guy again. Full disclosure, I spent my deer points on a Unit 39 tag last season. In accordance with Murphy's Law, 2 cats showed up in my neighborhood right before archery season. Since they showed, I have not seen a mature buck in my yard, much less yard buck. Still plenty...
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    Plandemic Rebuttal

    I’ll side with 3000 Architects and Engineers, personally.
  15. B

    Plandemic Rebuttal

    I can do you one better, if you believe anything from NIST about the subject. "A new kind of progressive collapse"
  16. B

    Plandemic Rebuttal

    Q's deadman codes were triggered a couple of days after his first posts. Q is not Q Watch the Building 7 collapse. 10 seconds of freefall will change your life. I'm sure you guys can spare 10 seconds before the usual easy out. I only bring it up, because the harm to the collective consciousness...
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    Plandemic Rebuttal

    It's even deeper for some of us. Ever since seeing Tower 7 fall at 5pm on 9/11, some of us know the media is complicit and have not been held accountable. It’s the same organizations and faces that chant "Russia" and "Pandemic".

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