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    my Blacktail scouting trip.. need help interpreting

    Interesting. Do you think the elk were bedding here then?
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    my Blacktail scouting trip.. need help interpreting

    fingers crossed for sideways rain i guess.. How do you know that the elk and not deer are eating sword fern? I will setup early and late to glass the area in the last photo. I don't even care about a mature buck. I just want any buck. :)
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    my Blacktail scouting trip.. need help interpreting

    I'll be doing my first big game hunt this season. I am in western Washington and I am targeting blacktails during the modern rifle season. I went out this weekend to do some scouting but I'm not really sure what I'm doing so I'd like to show you folks some photos and get your opinion. I checked...
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    Alaska Dall Sheep hunt - All Nine Days

    holy... Randy.. you were looking bad. I can't believe you didn't SOS outta there. That's some serious dedication.
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    Alaska Dall Sheep hunt - All Nine Days

    These videos are amazing! The title of podcast spoiled the story for me. I wish you guys had titled the podcast ambigously.
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    how do you hunt fall turkey?

    Well boys I went out there and hunted hard. I had 4 turkey tags and spent 2 days out in the woods. I saw plenty of turkey sign (not sure how old) but could not glass a single damn bird. Multiple times I wanted to quit and go into town and chill until evening but I forced myself to hunt the whole...
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    how do you hunt fall turkey?

    I've never hunted fall turkey before. I know they're not going to be interested in mating and they might not be very vocal and respond to any calls. How should I approach fall turkey hunting?
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    Completely unfiltered

    I thought it was a really good podcast. Randy and Brian were very fired up. Unfortunately, I felt like at least half of the time they spent talking about how they are not afraid to voice their apparently controversial opinions without actually stating said controversial opinions. I don't think...
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    How do I scout for Turkey habitat?

    First turkey boys!!!
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    Steven Rinella and Rob Bishop

    Which of Randy's podcasts are you referring to? I'd like to listen to Randy's views on land management by the states.
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    Steven Rinella and Rob Bishop

    As a new hunter trying to learn about public lands and conservation I have to say I am mostly disappointed by the discussion here. Nobody is talking specific policies, numbers, facts, or history. All I've learned is that according to most of you I'm not suppose to like this Rob Bishop guy for...
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    Sighting in rifle once in hunting area

    Lower air pressure wouldn't impact the trajectory of the bullet, just the terminal velocity (even this is probably negligible). A scope could get mis-aligned due to getting bumped while traveling though.
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    WTB: small FHF bino harness or Marsupial bino harness

    WTB: small FHF bino harness or Marsupial bino harness for my 10x42 Vortex Razor binos.
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    How do I scout for Turkey habitat?

    I am in Seattle area and I'd like to try Turkey hunting for the first time this spring. I'm not even sure how to get started to find turkeys in the woods. How do I narrow down public land into manageable chunks that may contain turkeys? Is it possible to do this using Google Earth?
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    Lots of stuff, Marsupial Hrns, Camp gear, Vortex Binos, Mtn House, Delorme

    Is the marsupial bino pack still available?
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    Fin explains his Grouse Slooshing - Guest on another podcast

    Randy is the type of person to reprimand the crew for making too much noise and spooking big game and then immediately after pull out a 12 gauge on a grouse. ;)
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    Episode 74: How much cooler?

    I would really like this information as well!
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    Supreme court to consider dusky gopher frog issue

    Weyerhaeuser planned to develop housing on this land and they think they would lose about $34 million.
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    Supreme court to consider dusky gopher frog issue

    You are right! I did some more research to figure out a more up to date number. I couldn't find the adult population but I did find this
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    Supreme court to consider dusky gopher frog issue

    I wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this issue. There are only about 100 individuals left. I think it would be wrong to let a species go extinct.

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