Yeti GOBOX Collection

Search results

  1. C

    20 Gauge recommendations

    I am wanting to get a 20 gauge shotgun to use from hunting small game, to upland birds to turkeys. What are your suggestions in a good gun?
  2. C

    External charging device

    I am in the process of looking for a new external charging device for next season. Would only be used for my cell phone at this time as I use it for OnX. What would you guys prefer either a goal zero or a dark energy Poseidon. Right now I am leaning towards the Poseidon. Anybody have any...
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    Kodiak blacktail hunt Oct 2018

    Good luck on your hunt! One of my dream hunts is for Kodiak Blacktail in Alaska!
  4. C

    Stalker bow/gun mount decoys for turkeys

    I am wanting to buy a “stalker” decoy for turkey hunting this year and a deer one for deer hunting. Wondering if anybody has had any experience with an ultimate stalker decoy, heads up decoy or the mojo scoot and shoot. Looking for recommendations. Please no comments about them being...
  5. C

    DIY Sheep Hunt

    Thanks for the info everyone. I kinda figured Dall Sheep would be out of the question. Does anyone know what the odds are for getting drawn for desert sheep? Are they better odds than bighorn?
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    DIY Sheep Hunt

    One of my dream hunts is a DIY bighorn hunt or Dall Sheep. I am a DIY guy and want to go about it completely self guided. With this is mind where would be my best odds to start putting in for preference points? Also keep in mind I am looking for a place that has a lot of public land as it will...
  7. C

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    Not a question but as I was fooling around on the app today I came across the “Timber Cuts” feature. I am pumped about this app because I do a lot of hunting in the northwoods of Wisconsin and cuts are always a good area to find deer whether for browse or bedding. The feature also tells you...
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    Late Seaaon Hunting

    Nice bucks gussyfarm! What area of the state do you hunt?
  9. C

    Late Seaaon Hunting

    How many of you are still chasing deer in the late season. Sound off what state you are hunting. Also post any successful late season kill photos or post trail cam pics of what you are after. I haven’t had much for bucks on camera this late season where I am hunting but I am after a big ol...
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    2017 WY Antelope

    Good luck! Look forward to following. It's great you take your son along. Memories you will never forget!!
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Yesterday my wife and I headed to the northwoods to check the trail camera I placed on the edge of the clear cut I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Yesterday's trip really got me pumped up for the season to start as soon as we pulled up to the clear cut we saw two bucks atanding out in it...
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Well I am excited to announce that this thread has just gone from the "NE Wisconsin public Land Grind" to the "NE Wisconsin and North Dakota public land Grind." My wife and I are going on our honeymoon next month. We were originally going to go hiking in Colorado but we decided to do a DIY...
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    North Dakota Public Land DIY Bowhunt

    Also probably going to be hunting PLOTS land, but will keep our options open.
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    North Dakota Public Land DIY Bowhunt

    My life and I just decided to go on a DIY public land bowhunt next month for whitetails in North Dakota. Last year was her first year hunting so I am looking to get her her first deer. Just wondering if anybody has any experience hunting whitetails on public land in ND. What regions of the...
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Thanks for following along duckhunt and elkhunter! Looking forward to the season!
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Took a day trip to the northwoods today for a mini scout session where my hunting shack is located. Came across a clear cut that was just cut this summer. I saw lots of deer tracks on the logging road as well as some tracks along the edge of it. I placed a trail camera on the back side of the...
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Here is an aerial of one of the properties I hunt. It is private land leased by the DNR so its open to the public for hunting and other recreational activities. This will only be my 3rd year hunting the property. Everywhere I can hunt is outlined in red. The last 2 seasons the soybean fields...
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Here is a couple pictures from earlier this summer when I checked my cameras a little over two weeks ago.
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    Checked two of my camera's on one of the pieces of public I hunt today and was a little disappointed. Just a few pics of does and fawns. I had a couple of small bucks on camera earlier this summer. Been over two weeks since I checked these cams. I left one cam in place and pulled another one...
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    NE Wisconsin Public Land Grind 2017

    I love using all different tactics hunting and I can see this becoming my favorite method. There is an old how to video on YouTube by Toad Smith on hunting deer in standing corn. After watching that video is what made me decide to try hunting in standing corn. I love hunting deer with a bow...