Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. Nutria

    From Boise to Britain- In Pursuit of Roe Buck

    That sounds like a plan! Congratulations to the bucks! The second one is a real good one! For a buck like this, you have to search a long time or have a guide like Richard! ;) A few good trouts would have been the coronation. Too bad it did not work. Have a good time in Ireland! I would also...
  2. Nutria


    Hello everybody. Time for the next update. In the last few days a few bucks have been shot in our area. Mostly young ones. But the rut beginns and the activity increases. One of the last bucks was a really old and big 6 pointer. Yesterday we were in the kindergarten for some education. To...
  3. Nutria


    I know that many people in US, don´t like eels. But here, especially in Germany, fishing for eel is verry popular. Smoked, they are an expensive delicacy! A traditional food for special occasions!
  4. Nutria

    From Boise to Britain- In Pursuit of Roe Buck

    I'm sure you'll have a good time with Richard. Good luck for your hunt and also the fishing. Can´t wait to reed mor about your trip!
  5. Nutria


    Hi Guys Time for next update. In the last weeks, not much happened. In our area some fellow hunters have shot 3 bucks. 2 Spikers and one special. When I first saw him I thought that he looks like a Whitetail. Because of the shape of the antlers which is very unusual for a roebuck. Fishing is...
  6. Nutria


    Next Update from Germany. :D At satudray we had a fishing match in our club. We have fished for 3 hours in a small lake. I have made the 2nd place with 3 carp, a grass carp, 2 good bream, some roach, rudd and small perch. Tonight a fellow hunter called, he have shot a buck. And would spend a...
  7. Nutria

    May Roebuck Hunt in Switzerland

    Waidmannsheil! That´s very similar to how we hunt in germany.
  8. Nutria

    Tahr rut hunt

  9. Nutria


    Hi Richard, Sadly no. Approx. 15 jears ago, some clubs down the river startet to resettle sea trout in small brooks who flow in this river. Unfortunately, some big weirs and power stations prevent the run upstreams. 4 Years ago we saw some large trout under a weir who could not get up. (about 4...
  10. Nutria


    I released her. Because she was still full of eggs. Otherwise i like to deep-fry pieces of fillet.
  11. Nutria


    After my parents died many years ago, the farm was no longer in use. In the past we had cows and grown wheat and corn. In this years it was a good live. But for today's conditions, the farm is just too small to live from it. The land is leased to other farmers now. Except a meadow with old...
  12. Nutria


    This evening I made a short fishing trip. First to the pond on my parents farm to catch a few baitfish. After half an hour I had enough roach and prussian carp and drove to my favorit spot. A confluence of 2 rivers. What can I say... An other half an hour later, I had my first pike of the...
  13. Nutria


    Update: Last days i mounted the best Nutria from the last winter. I did it like we do with boar tusks. Yesterday a friend has shot the next buck in our hunting area. Dirk
  14. Nutria


    Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame! ;)
  15. Nutria


    I don´t know if it is ok. But I want to share this short film with you. It was so similar with me as a child. And I think thats the way it should be done! "A hunter carries the love for nature in his heart and share this passion with the next...
  16. Nutria


    In the moment it´s a bit early for good fishing. The water is still cold. Now i fish manly bream, tench and big roach. Today i have met a few friends who are just preparing for nightfishing on eel and catfish. On May 16th starts here the season for pike and perch.
  17. Nutria


    Hello friends! As I said in my introduction a few weeks ago, I hunt in Germany. It might be interesting to you what happens in our hunting areas. So i decided to post what happens here around hunting an fishing from time to time. Here at my home in the north-west i hunt in a smallgame area and...
  18. Nutria

    Big Sky Inspired Fishing Trip

    Looks great! Nice fish!
  19. Nutria

    Red Deer "Roar" Hunt

    Wow! What a landscape! The falcon looks cool! Is it a Maori Falcon?
  20. Nutria

    Where to find Eurasian Collared Doves in Colorado?

    Uuups... :eek: I think I was wrong! Wrong species. I have held your Eurasian Collared Dove for our common wood pigeon who have a "collar" at the neck too. But your Eurasian Collared Dove is much smaller and here known as "turkish dove". We have them too. But not in that numbers then wood...
Caribou Gear

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