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  1. idi1796

    2016 Wyoming Draw

    My dad and I Applied for and drew our first ever antelope tags. Drew our second choice, 113-2 and got the preference point, exactly what we were hoping for with zero points going into the draw. Could not be more excited! ��
  2. idi1796

    Recent Topics in the News

    Thank you for posting. I live in Bend, OR, only 20 minutes south of Redmond and had no idea that group discussed in the Washington Post article existed. It's crazy to read about something like that so close to home.
  3. idi1796

    Michigan chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers!

    As a Michigander myself, now live in Oregon, it bring me great pride to see BHA in Michigan. I know you guys will do great things!
  4. idi1796

    Article on Public Land Grazing in Sentinel

    Great article. Thank you for posting.
  5. idi1796

    More Presidential discussion on public lands

    Thankfully, when I cast my vote for the Democratic candidate in November I can sleep soundly knowing that they will not sell our public lands right from under my feet. What I do worry/wonder about are those who traditionally vote republican, but are fierce supporters of our public land. Everyone...
  6. idi1796

    Great read

    I came across this article this morning and haven't seen it posted so thought I would share. This is what I have been saying for a while now. I know the outdoor industry does a lot and contributes a lot behind the scenes but I would love to see them get out in front of the issue. Enjoy...
  7. idi1796

    Channeling my inner Big Fin

    I completely agree with what you said and completely understand it. My only concern is that the every day person, who are to busy in their every day lives to even sit down and relax for a moment, will completely miss those positions. Those are the people, the masses that we need in this fight to...
  8. idi1796

    Channeling my inner Big Fin

    Are you saying that they money outdoor companies pump towards democratic candidates is their way of voicing their position? If so, much like the NRAs reluctance to come out and clearly state their opinion, no matter what that is, is weak in my opinion. I am well aware of the work democrats...
  9. idi1796

    Channeling my inner Big Fin

    If they are not silent then they have done a poor job of making it known what they stand for. I have no reason to believe they have not invested tons of time and money, but for someone like myself who pays attention, I have not heard a peep.
  10. idi1796

    Channeling my inner Big Fin

    As part of the education process, I have wondered where many of the big outdoor companies stand on this issue. Much like the NRA, I find their silence a little concerning. As many have already stated, this fight goes far beyond hunters/fisherman. All people who enjoy the vast amounts of public...
  11. idi1796

    Cruz on Public Lands

    Could not agree more. This country is moving in one direction on certain social issues and that direction will never pull a U turn and head back in the way some conservatives would like. Stop spending time on something that will never happen and start focusing on things that are on our doorstep...
  12. idi1796

    Party Applications

    That's what I thought but was not 100%. Thanks!
  13. idi1796

    Party Applications

    Super simple question(I have a guess) that I have not been able to find a concrete answer to in the Wyoming regs. Do all members in a party application receive a preference point if we don't draw our first choice like you would if you applied as an individual? My research skills are apparently...
  14. idi1796

    Starting out- advice welcome

    This year I turned 30 and am in the same boat as you. I am now in a position where I could start building out of state points if I wanted to. But with all of the different research I have done I believe I am coming to the conclusion that it is not worth it, at least for me. Living in Oregon I...
  15. idi1796

    Federal Government right to own land

    That is a wonderful, easy to follow/understand way of explaining this very tough/complicated (only complicated from all the BS put out there from those who want to "transfer" our public lands) issue. For people who are new to the topic or have never heard about it, I think the words above are a...
  16. idi1796

    Two Tracks?

    Thanks for the great advice so far everyone. I really appreciate it. WapitiBob, thats a great idea! I am very familiar working with local city and county maps here in town working for Parks and Rec so i'm hoping they have they same in the areas I'm looking at. I can do as you suggested and...
  17. idi1796

    Two Tracks?

    Good evening everyone. As I am going over my Wyoming onXmap, I see there are two tracks everywhere on both public and private land. My first question is are the two tracks open to vehicular traffic, 4x4 or foot traffic only on public land? Second, and I think I know the answer but will ask...
  18. idi1796

    Planning first antelope hunt.

    Thanks for all the responses. Definitely gives me lots to think about.
  19. idi1796

    Whats our President trying to do to us gun buyers/owners

    Gun control, no gun control, background checks, no background checks, legally purchased guns, illegally purchased guns. To me, having grown up just outside of Flint Michigan where gun violence is rampant, both with mentally ill and non mentally ill perpetrators, I have come to my own conclusion...
  20. idi1796

    Planning first antelope hunt.

    First off I would just like to say that I find it amazing and awesome that there is so much information on this forum for someone like myself who is planning my first antelope hunt this fall with my dad in Wyoming. With zero points, we will be hunting on a second or third choice unit with...
Caribou Gear

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