Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. B

    Got real lucky this time

    The saying, "expect the worse, hope for the best" played out for me recently. I`ve hunted a farm for 49 years. Recently the farmer & his wife passed. Leaving me worried about my hunting future on this farm. I knew the farm would be split between two kids. I spoke to one of the kids. He said...
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    I actually called stealthcan when I was at the store to make sure I got the correct SD card. They said with the wrong SD card, it will eat up the batteries. I got over 8,000 pics on first set of batteries. Very few after that. I have an older stealthcam. Not as good of quality pics, but it...
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    I bought a stealthcam E-28 game camera a few months ago.. Great camera right out of the box. Since then, nothing but trouble. Very few pics, eating batteries... Called stealthcam, they told me i had the wrong SD card. Put the new SD card in & it worked behind my house. I take it to the woods...
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    bait question?

    Gar in Mo. is a non-game fish. Meaning I could use it as bait. I guess I`m asking if anyone else has used them as bait? It`ll be another week before I`m able to go fishing. I did see some carp minnows that I definately want to get.
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    bait question?

    Can Gar be used as catfish bait? I found a place that I can get several gar in the 6-10 inch range. I had an older guy tell me that he used a chunk of gar once, & caught a big catfish. I doubt that I try this unless there is a lot of positive feedback.
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    NatGeo's "Wild Justice" Show

    I watched one show, it was on the marijuana in the mountains of California. Not bad, but the next show really looked interesting. Bear poaching. I was only able to watch the 1st 15 minutes before I had to go to work. I plan on watching this series a lot.
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    what a week

    here are the pics, I hope
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    what a week

    My 18 year old son has had a very good week. First, last Sunday he killed a nice 8 pointer, (skull pic) with bow. Today he connected on a very good 8 pointer on opening day of Missouris gun season. I killed a small 8 point, & his buck came in about 10 minutes later.
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    First buck this year

    A "holler" to me is a steep or hilly patch of woods. Guess thats a mid-Mo. term!!! lol Maybe the word is supposed to be hollow???? We like to put the "R" on everything.... Yes, I lost the meat. The temp only got down to about 55 that night. He shot it at 8 that morning & it was at least...
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    First buck this year

    Missouri. The weather is still to hot for this time of year. The deer was stinking pretty bad when I found it. I found it in a very deep ditch in a holler. Guess he was heading towards water
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    First buck this year

    My 18 year old son shot this buck Sunday:) but we didn`t find it until Monday.:eek: Still a nice bow kill. When he shot the deer, he said the arrow was sticking out, and found no blood where he shot it. I found him the next day in a very steep ditch. He shot at a deer about an hour earlier...
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    One shot, one kill

    The smile tells you everything. Congrats
  13. B

    MT bear down

    Congrats, great pics.
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    Episode #10 - Public Land Turkey

    I`ll wait & veiw on here then. Been a hard weekend!!!! Thanks
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    Episode #10 - Public Land Turkey

    I messed up, I missed this show. Does anyone know if it will air anytime this week?
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    New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

    wow what a goat
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    New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

    wow what a goat
  18. B

    What kind of bow

    shot the pse x-force at a local shop very nice
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    Montana Hunting

    yes please send all info you have thanx
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    New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

    looks like some goods one out there go get em

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