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  1. S

    Hog Hunts....

    Tom, We hunt alot just in the afternoons, on occasion we get skunked, normally high winds contribute to it. But if we go out and really hunt, we can between me and the guy I work with shoot a bunch, we normally quit early and go home. I'll tell you in the last four times we hunted, I killed 5...
  2. S

    Hog Hunts....

    Moosie, Ya the meat situation isn't very good driving that far. I've always wondered about freezing it, packing it in ice and shipping it UPS. I don't know what it would cost, maybe $25 or $30. I don't know if you could even ship it overnight. The best option would be to leave it here at...
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    Hog Hunts....

    Moosie, Most of the driving between ranches isn't to far, maybe 5-10 minutes for most of them. Have one place that is about 45 minutes from the motel and it is covered in hogs. Alot of the country we have to hunt is joined together, so by crossing a fence your on the next place. We walk alot...
  4. S

    Hog Hunts....

    Moosie you said something the other day about coming on a hunt down here. We've been doing a few over the years, no advertising or anything, just somebody ask and we take em. Before we charged $175 a day per person and a kill fee of .50cents per pound. The guy who is doing this with me and...
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  6. S

    A Future hog hunt - possibly

    Tom, Same guy has pulled some other good ones. One day, he was checking cattle and the house dogs bailed off the truck and took off after a hog. He jumped out and looked for a weapon to kill it with, all he found was some baling wire. The dogs bayed and he took off after them, he had to...
  7. S

    A Future hog hunt - possibly

    Drowning a 200lb boar hog 101--- *Don't ever try this at home* He snuck up behind the whooly bugger by taking off his shoes and wading out about neck deep in a stock tank the hog was in. The hog was facing the dogs on the bank in water about belly deep. He just eased up, grabbed him by the...
  8. S

    A Future hog hunt - possibly

    Tom, You can use a machine gun on hogs here, or a silencer, or explosives if you have the proper government permits. Hogs are classified non-game, which means if you can think of an exotic way to kill em, you can have at it. I've done mine with:Rifle, shotgun, pistol, bow, knife, highway...

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