Caribou Gear

Search results

  1. DWhitch

    Southern Arizona Mountain Lion

    One of my hunting buddies was telling me a story of a family he was friends with that had some ranch land in southern AZ. He said they had a Native American ranch hand that was awesome at tracking and he tracked and killed 20 Mountain Lions over his time working there. With AZ having open season...
  2. DWhitch

    First Year Hunting.... Someone Else Benefits From All My Hours of Preperation!

    I know the title says someone else benefits, but I didn't get screwed either. I'll get to that part. I have been enthralled with hunting ever since I was a young boy, however living in Texas where there is very little public land and growing up with very modest means, sometimes very little...
  3. DWhitch

    New from Arizona

    Howdy, I have lived in Texas for most of my life up until we moved to Tucson nearly two years ago. I always dreamed of hunting growing up, but didn't have the means to do it in Texas with little money and so little public land. Since moving to Tucson I have become obsessed with it and have put...