Search results

  1. dirtclod Az.

    New "Bird Dogs"

    The two Roadrunners that have called our property home for the past few months have had a litter of two pups... It looks to be one male and one female.They are supposed to take care of themselves 3 days after leaving the nest. Obviously no one told them . Pic one-Mom and Dad. Pic 2 Jr.begging...
  2. dirtclod Az.

    Orion Coolers

    On You Tube this morning Randy promotes Orion Coolers and announces a giveaway. He asks that you make comments as to what media platform we use to watch episodes. 3 of the 4 platforms he is on are given,You Tube is not? I use You Tube and can't seem to leave a comment. Any help...
  3. dirtclod Az.

    Thank You's

    Sending out Thank You Cards to friends and relatives. THANK YOU all of On Your Own Adventures and Randy. For a Great year,and many more to come. dirtclod Az.:cool: Hunt Utah!Lol!
  4. dirtclod Az.

    Leftover Javelina tags

    AZGF still has a couple thousand Javelina tags leftover,General season Archery and H.A.M. hunts. Nov. 19th mail in only and Nov.26 First come first served.:cool:
  5. dirtclod Az.

    Az.Trail Camera Rule Change

    AZGFD is hosting a webcast and public forum on May 29,2018 @6pm pertaining to the use of trail cameras within 1/4 mile of a developed water think that trail cams should not be allowed at any water hole/cowpond or developed water source.Questions can be submitted...
  6. dirtclod Az.

    Airbow az.

    AZ. hunters ,what do you think about Airbows being legalized in Az? Handicapped persons in my opinion would qualify...BUT an Airbow looks to me like an AirRifle.Any ideas on this/opinions?Check it out on U-Tube.Jim Shockey seems to be impressed.
  7. dirtclod Az.

    Cottontail/eurasian help

    Anyone have a good recipe for Cottontails/Eurasian doves other than shredded BBQd? I need something new.Checked out the Pasole recipe,that looks pretty awesome. I have an abundance of Cottontails and Eurasian doves on and around our property. Something "different"would be great. Thanks,dirtclod Az.
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