Search results

  1. J

    Elk Idaho

    Drew so called premier tag in Idaho. One of 5 rifle permits in the rut. Been here going on my 4th week and have seen more elk on a bad day in my back yard. One or two bugles tops. One great bull spotted on Private land which cannot be hunted without a written signed permit from the owner. Most...
  2. J


    Whoever heard of controlled burns at the height of fire season in a Premium Controlled hunt area with basically two mountains to hunt and they are setting fire to one. Controlled burns are always done in the spring. NEVER in the September. Am I wrong??
  3. J

    Area 24 Nevada Rifle

    Drew a 24 tag after 12 years of no luck. Just curious if someone out there would be willing to offer an old Vet an inside tip or honeyhole they would be willing to share. I promise I can keep a secret. Might be my one and only shot at a Trophy buck in there. A generous season this year and...
  4. J

    Unit 40-1 Rifle Bull Idaho

    Just curious if anyone reading this post is aware of any hunting channel that may be interested in filming this hunt. Could be an epic hunt this year. I also drew an area 24 rifle mule deer tag in Nevada as well. This is expected to be the best year for antler growth in years due to all the...