Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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    Montana Wolf Question

    All of you Montana hunters, if I buy a nonresident wolf tag right now, does it expire on march 15?? or does it expire in December 0f 2015?? Also, I have been looking at the wisdom/ big hole area?? anyone know if there are a few wolves that I have a chance at, or in the Darby area?? I just live...
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    Best Catch Yet!

    Caught this awesome cross fox this evening. I have been trapping for 4 year and caught many reds, finally caught this awesome cross. Going to mount it. Definitely my favorite catch so far in my seasons Ill try and post some better pics later..:D Tyler[/IMG]
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    My dad and I went hunting tis morning. Right at daylight, headed up the trail, dad says, wolf!! wolf!!, we start loading our guns, and getting set up, then another runs out through the timber. I am still loading my gun.I finaly get set up, the first one is over the hill, dad shoots before I am...