Caribou Gear

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  1. S

    2015 Idaho Antelope Opener dates??

    Anyone know the opener of rifle antelope in Idaho? Last year it was August 15th. I'm looking to schedule something, but the dates aren't posted yet. Thanks in advance!
  2. S

    Muzzle tape

    I was watching some of Randy's hunts last night and noticed that he usually has tape over the end of his muzzle. I'd like to do this, but want to know: if I don't remove it before I shoot, will it affect the bullet or trajectory? Thanks fellas.
  3. S

    Montana Non-Native

    New guy here, although I met several of you on the spring Montana bear hunt. I'm from southern California but came to Montana 14 years ago to study grizzlies, and to hunt of course. Nice to meet you all, and thanks for being such great advocates for wild public land.