Caribou Gear

Search results

  1. miles

    MN Bear How Big???

    Metro area black bear... Bait is getting hit but not regularly yet. Anyone care to guess the size? The barrels are 35 gal and the ground slopes down and away from them.
  2. miles

    Where to Start?

    Well I live in MN and have no real hope of drawing here. What are my options for out of state? I would like to do something public land with a high success rate. I am not too worried about shooting a monster I would be happy with a cow. What states have the best access/success/over the counter...
  3. miles

    Wild Boar in MN????

    Just saw this add posted on craigslist. Looks legit?? anyone else have any info on them coming to my beautiful state? Pic looks like it is from MN and the owner seems as surprised as me. What do you guys think?
  4. miles

    MN No Quota Help!!!

    I haven't hunted bear in 15 years and this is my first year on my own. It all started out when the farmer who owns the land I whitetail hunt on said a bear got her bird feeder. Being in the metro area and an over the counter tag I figured I would give bear hunting on my own a shot. So went out...