Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Search results

  1. M

    Handmade Fly Boxes

    I’m finally getting around to finishing some fly boxes I’ve been working on this summer. The walnut and maple box is 7.5” x 4.25” x 1” with an internal depth of almost 3/4”. The clear top is resin that I’ve gouged to add the texture. I’ll part ways with it for $150. I’ve been carrying mine for...
  2. M

    Myrtle Beach Fishing in March

    I just booked a trip to take my boys (8 and 10) to visit my folks in Myrtle Beach March 14-20. I haven't done much research, but it sounds like I might me able to find some drum in the creeks that time of year. I may try to rent a kayak for a day or two and do some exploring on my own. I'd also...
  3. M

    Help A Guy Out!

    Youth hockey is expensive as sh!t. I need all the help I can get. The boxes are made of walnut and are 6” from point to point and 1.25” thick. You get to choose cork or foam strips. $140 + shipping.
  4. M

    Calling All Bozeman Anglers

    I was recently hired as the Madison-Gallatin fisheries biologist with FWP here in Bozeman. I'm finally getting settled in and an idea of where we will be taking things over the next few years. As you can imagine, there's a lot of work to be done and I'm trying to find ways to increase the...
  5. M

    Southern Wyoming Camping/fishing?

    Just found out we’re going to have to cancel our trip home to visit with my folks at the beach this summer (too risky for my old man). My boys are pretty bummed they won’t be able to go crabbing and fishing with grandpa so I’m trying to come up with another trip. Assuming they can make it out...
  6. M

    New Fly Boxes

    Started a little side hustle making fly boxes last summer. Finally got some decent weather to work on a few tops this weekend. Been tinkering with some new ideas that are turning out pretty good.
  7. M

    Yellowstone dams

    Let's move the discussion over here so this doesn't serve as a distraction from the other thread. For simplicity, dams = weirs and weirs = dams. Functionally, they both limit passage. Some more than others. Is the Yellowstone River technically dammed? Yes. There are many low-head diversion...
  8. M

    Skull size

    I had a chance to watch the buck I shot this year for almost an hour before pulling the trigger. He looked like a big, old deer but I didn’t realize his noggin was THAT much bigger than some of the other bucks I’ve shot. Gives me a whole new appreciation for what a mature buck looks like. His...
  9. M

    Longest Wyoming Hunt Yet

    So I woke up early Friday and drove by some mountains in Wyoming on my way to the prairie where I walked by an arrowhead and subsequently crawled to a nice perch to shoot an antelope just prior to enjoying a beautiful sunset when I decided to head back home by way of a cool canyon that would...
  10. M

    Kids Blaze Orange

    Sportsman's here in town never seems to have any blaze orange for children. Does anyone have a recommendation for somewhere to purchase a couple youth vests online? I'm' always hesitant to buy clothing without seeing it in person first. Thanks.
  11. M

    NW Olympic Peninsula?

    Heading to the Olympic Peninsula for a week of camping after taking in a Mariners game next Saturday. Does anyone have any camping or hiking recommendations? Would prefer to find some good dispersed options but wouldn’t be opposed to an established campground (although it might be a little late...
  12. M

    Hunting/fishing kayak

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a sit-on-top kayak that could be used for fishing largeish rivers, an occasional duck, and putzing around nearby lakes with my boys? Maybe large enough to squeeze on enough gear for a 1-2 night float. It would be great if I could squeeze a quartered deer...
  13. M

    Must be tough

    being Rinella... Had a friend try to schedule him to give a talk to his classes at a small college back home. His asking price is up to $15,000 and first class flights. The recession must have been a tough time for him cause he was only asking $10,000 and was willing to fly coach when I spoke...
  14. M

    Custom Fly Boxes

    So I started tinkering in the garage with some drops I got off one of the cabinet shops in town. My initial intentions were to make a few for friends and get the resin figured out on some smaller pieces before moving up to a couple coffee tables I want to make for our place. Now I'm hoping to...
  15. M

    Beartooth Car Camping

    We’re gonna take some from friends and their kids camping up in the Beartooths next week. Does anyone have any recommendations for a place to camp between the top of the pass and Cooke City? One of the vehicles will be a Matrix so we can’t get too crazy. Thanks
  16. M

    Bozeman Music

    Somehow I coerced a bunch of buddies I played ball with in college into getting together out here for some camping and fishing in early August. One of them, Drew Kennedy, is a singer/songwriter in New Braunfels, Texas and lined up a show at Live From The Divide here in Bozeman on August 8th...
  17. M

    CO Preference Points?

    Does Colorado no longer make you front the money for a tag to buy a preference point? I think I bought mine today, but I wanted to make sure I didn't screw something up.
  18. M

    Nice Surprise

    Walked into the house to finish off the evening after my doctoral defense with a couple beers and found this on my kitchen counter... Apparently one of my buddies wanted to surprise me with a painting to celebrate my defense. It's a fish from one of the most memorable days of fishing I've had...
  19. M

    Trail Race Suggestions?

    I started doing a little trail running this summer and really enjoyed it. I ran the Rendezvous Hillclimb in Jackson Hole this year and have started eyeing a race or two for next year. Does anyone have any recommendations for a cool race, in a cool area that's within a days drive of Bozeman? I'm...
  20. M

    Better Late Than Never

    Took a couple years longer than expected but I finally turned the dissertation into my committee Friday morning. After getting permission from the wife, I hit the road for eastern Montana for my one and only deer hunt of the year. Glad I went...Not too excited about the four mile pack out though...