Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Search results

  1. cadman59501

    Team PETA strikes again

    Well not much of a story to this one. We were actually just running up to the hills for a quick trip looking for track and sign in the fresh snow to put a game plan together for the following morning. But, we found out that the tracks were fresher than the snowfall. 45 minutes into the hunt...
  2. cadman59501

    2011 MT Muley

    Well I havent been on the site in forever, and I have to say I made one of the worst mistake for any die hard hunter. I went into business for myself about 2 weeks into bow season and been slammed ever since. I finally found a day to get out and chase some deer. It just happend to be on the...
  3. cadman59501

    Drool worthy

    Probably been making the email rounds since i'm usually the last one to get the good stuff, but thought that I would pass along the joy.
  4. cadman59501

    Glasgow NWTF Banquet

    I have seen a few other members on here from NE Montana and just wondering if any of you guys are going to be at the banquet on the 26th? Kinda nice to put a face to a name.
  5. cadman59501

    My Biggest Mule Deer Yet

    Just thought I would share my biggest muley buck yet with all of you, and my longest kill shot ever ( roughly 600 yds.).
  6. cadman59501

    First Archery Kill

    Just thought I would share with the rest of you guys my 1st archery kill. Of all the hunting I have done this was so out of character for me. I woke up late, and almost didnt even go. So I get into the spot that I wanted to be a couple mins after 7 this morning, and the fog is set in thick...
  7. cadman59501

    New Bow

    So I finally bought my first bow, but am a little unsure on arrows. The guy at the store was of pretty much no help. Do you guys have any suggestions on where to start, aluminum/carbon, long vanes/blazers, helical/straight?
  8. cadman59501

    1st Timer

    So I know that I want to put in for a special tag this year. This will be my 1st time ever, and I know that it is rather unlikely that I will draw, but it is also my luck if I put in for multiple species I will def draw atleast 2 of them and logistically that wont really work. I have set my...