Search results

  1. Buckrub

    I need your vote please

    I entered a "Hunting Dog Photo Contest" on North American Hunter's website. The title of the photo is "Three Generation Upland Hunt". I would REALLY be appreciative of any votes you guys could submit for me. Thanks so much for any support you can provide. Steve (Buckrub) Link...
  2. Buckrub

    Terminator Salvation

    Saw this on Sat. and I gotta tell ya, it's an awesome flick. The plot and acting is top shelf. Special effects are outstanding. Go see it on the big screen to appreciate it !!! Best of all the sequels!!! :D
  3. Buckrub

    USA Today; 2nd Amendment Vote

    Hey guys, Take a moment and access the following link and VOTE !!! The question is; Does the 2nd Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms? Thanks!!!!
  4. Buckrub

    The Hills Have Eyes

    Watched this movie w/ the wife while she was recovering from surgery. That said, pretty ironic!!! The movie is just chuck full of blood and gore. It's about mutants, who resulted from nuclear testing, and waylay travelers in the S.W. NM desert. If your into meager plots with lots of gore, and...
  5. Buckrub

    Larry the cable guy; Health Inspector

    Watched this movie hoping that it would be as good as Larry's stand-up routine. NOT!!!! This movie has alot of slap-stick , silly crap and is more stupid than funny. I love Larry live, but, this film will do nothing for his movie career!! |oo
  6. Buckrub

    Taco Layer Dip

    Ingredients: 1.5 lb. of browned lean ground beef/ venison. (drain) 1 big container of sour cream (12 to 16 oz.) 1 envelope of taco seasoning diced onion, diced green pepper pepperjack cheese & cheddar cheese ( diced into small...
  7. Buckrub


    This movie has a really good plot, mixed with Adam Sandler's comic genius ,and shows that his acting ability is improving dramatically. I went to the late show, tired, and fully expecting to doze off at some point. That didn't happen, as Click was very entertaining, and is laced with some...
  8. Buckrub

    Rocky Mtn. Nat'l. Park Elk Slaughter

    I just sent an email off to the National Park Service complaining about the proposed elk slaughter by park staff. It would make much more sense to have Congress approve a managed hunt on park property, and let the taxpaying sportsmen harvest the elk. Estimated costs to the taxpayers to have...
  9. Buckrub

    Finally signed-up!!

    Hey guys & gals, I finally took the plunge and signed-up!! My friend "Bambistew" turned me on to the site awhile back. Figured I needed some fresh perspective from that other site I frequent. Hope to contribute alittle and learn some too!!! Talk at 'cha later...
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