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  1. J

    Whats Going On Guys??

    I have been tied up at work for a while so I'm just checking in. Is everybody staying out of trouble and filling out TAG Applications?
  2. J

    How young is old enough to shoot a deer?

    Assuming its not regulated by your state. What are your thoughts?
  3. J

    quick safari

    I’ve been pretty tied up lately, but we managed to squeeze in a safari. I’ll include a few photos of what we have seen so far. Some are a little blurry through the binos for magnification, but you get the idea! The lodge is pretty cool, it has TV and plenty of room to hang out...
  4. J

    Investment property Question

    Has anyone purchased a condo/house at a ski resort that is a rental? If you have how has it performed and over how many years? You can PM me or email [email protected] I'm thinking of finding some investment property that does not attract hurricanes :D Thanks for any advice you have to...
  5. J

    Why hasnt anyone called to let me know

    That I won the AZ Sheep tag drawing hunt? Isnt today the day? :D :D
  6. J

    Back from NM

    I'm back but empty handed. My deal with my bride was if a hurricane came into the gulf I would start driving. So here I am home early without an elk. I had an Either sex tag and passed on a cow the second evening and that was my last real opp. My second season archery report is not many...
  7. J

    Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    I decided to try the NM elk hunt and am leaving in the AM to drive! This is my 3rd trip out there and the last 2 trips resulted in leaving early due to circumstances at home. First, my little boy (2 at the time) fell off a counter and landed on his head resulting in a scary trip to the...
  8. J

    Who drew a Coveted SHEEP tag?

    So who drew a much coveted Sheep tag? I tried AZ desert this year and of course did not. A good friend won a tag in one of the drawings and got to his 3/4 slam last fall. So anybody LUCKY out there?
  9. J

    Question on locating a bull from last year

    This will be my 3rd year hunting the same unit. Have you found the same bull in the same area the following season ( 1 year later)? That would be baring his early demise :D During last season! Is this the case with elk and mule deer?
  10. J

    Speaking of New Mex Unit 13

    I drew an archery deer tag for this unit. If you see a HUGE buck around, let me know and I'll go stick an arrow in him! I found a couple last trip (quiensabe had seen one around and we snapped some pic of him through the scope but I ran out of time before he happened back along the same path...
  11. J

    Hey Orvis, HEADS UP!

    The is headed your way! Batton down the hatches and the cars and windows too!
  12. J

    What is your best Muley Tip?

    I have done pretty well just sneaking around and spotting them but last season RHNM told me to sit and glass. I found a nice buck pretty shortly after but I ran out of time to wait him out on a trail to a spot of water he was using. I did have a shot on a great buck while slipping along a...
  13. J

    my town is haunted .....with hurricanes

    Elkhunters post made me realize we are haunted down here. I'm still not finished with all the beach property insurance claims and here comes another one right up the pipe! |oo Maybe these darn storms will get out of the way...
  14. J

    Video of hooking a HUGE tarpon/mako shark

    This is a crazy video from a capt out of pensacola. They are having a pretty good time though :)
  15. J

    Anyone drawn/hunted AZ desert Sheep?

    Im just thinkin I may as well start putting in, so MAYBE in this lifetime I will get the chance! If you have hunted them, tell me about it!
  16. J

    game camera for sale

    This is a camtrakker 35mm film model. Its several years old and its in the black finish. All is in good working order and for $80 it includes new film and batteries! I have a second one that will be posted as soon as I find it!
  17. J

    Our deer season is finally over

    We wrapped it up yesterday. I made it hunting a total of 8 days and some of those were half days! Thats pretty low as I usually get in 20 or more of the 110 day deer season. The hurricane really goofed up my off schedule as well as the deer travel patterns in our area. So many big hardwoods...
  18. J

    Hey Moosie, they were thinking about us!

    Don't delete this because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a...
  19. J

    Moosie, some thoughts on STEEP

    Hey Moosie, There is this show on OLN (channel 608) anyway, its hunting 201 and they are sheep hunting and going on about how steep the terrain is and how tough the hunt is and they are showing pictures :D that look like the hills in new mexico with a little rock out cropping at the top. He...
  20. J

    fINALLY GET TO HUNT!!!!!!!!!

    Ater turkey lunch with the relatives............and Ive got lots of tags and bullets. I had planned to bow hunt but this is my first chance out because of the hurricane. Have a GREAT turkey day,

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