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  1. txDEERhuntr

    8 days till....

    8 more days and I finally get to go after elk, gotta love late season Idaho panhandle hunts
  2. txDEERhuntr

    Whishing It was July

    Why does Idaho have to be slower than everyone else, I want to know if I drew my unit 45 Muzzle-Loader tag..........
  3. txDEERhuntr

    Hardest Day of my Life

    I never thought anything like this would ever happen, tomorrow we have funeral services for our 9 day old son. Please keep my wife in your guys prayers she is taking this really hard and the closer it gets the worse she is getting. Thanks guys, Dewain
  4. txDEERhuntr

    Idaho Mule Deer Hunters

    Has anyone ever drew a controlled mule deer tag out of unit 14 here in Idaho? I am thinking about putting in for one and hunting my uncles land, seen alot of good deer in the area. Also Oscar this question is for you, what unit is that sheep tag in and would like to talk a little bit more about...
  5. txDEERhuntr

    PokerStars tonight

    Is anyone down for a lil poker tonight? Just post your names on here and we shall see if we can get a hunttalk table! Raney1010 is my poker name
  6. txDEERhuntr

    Pokerstars tonight or right now

    anyone want to play tonight or right now do a search for me raney1010
  7. txDEERhuntr

    Pokerstars right now

    anyone wanna play or on right now? my name is raney1010
  8. txDEERhuntr

    Tired of IT!!!

    This year I am getting a Sawtooth B tag I am tired of trying to figure these animals out they are starting to frustrate me. I have hunted elk hard now for 2 years and only one with horns I was able to even think about a shot was a spike and i didnt wanna risk a 400+ yd shot with my 7mm. So if...
  9. txDEERhuntr

    Guess the score

    This is a main frame 12 point my pops shot in South Texas....can you guess what it scores.......will put it this way the widest point is 23 and a 1/4 inches wide
  10. txDEERhuntr

    Deer Hunters of Idaho(moosie)

    Hey Moose man if there is anything I can help you or Bobby or anyone for that matter with let me know I wanna help out hump hump
  11. txDEERhuntr

    No DEER but pics....

    Here is one we seen just a week ago that I would have loved to seen during hunting season...he is a nice white-tail 4x4 outside of boise idaho hump hump
  12. txDEERhuntr

    Thurs. Night Marks the return to the mountains

    I am Leaving Texas tomorrow to head out on my 23hr drive to Boise Idaho. There I will meet up with a buddy and we shall head out to Zumwalt Peak.(thanks moosie) Even though I hunted the area last year I only had a cow tag this year will have the ol 7mm and a bull tag seen several bulls in there...
  13. txDEERhuntr

    Help fellow hunttalkers

    I am stuck between a rock and a hard place as of right now just need some advice. My ol lady wants me to go to school in idaho then move back to texas when done. But here is the tricky part I would be leaving behind my son and her for atleast two years only seeing them couple days monthly. What...
  14. txDEERhuntr

    Giant idaho mulies

    these were killed by my pops....just something for u to look at biggest scores 187 3/8 typical smallest 164 1/4 and the non-typical scores 177 7/8 lost of deductions [ 09-05-2004, 17:43: Message edited by: Delw ]
  15. txDEERhuntr

    What a MORON...i swear thats what gives hunters bad raps

    POWELL, Wyo. —A man has been charged with killing 11 elk northeast of Jackson in one of the worst poaching cases local Game and Fish Department wardens can remember. Elliot Hudson, 20, of Jackson, faces up to 21 years in prison and jail if convicted of the one felony and 11 misdemeanors filed...
  16. txDEERhuntr


    Are not being filled or you guys are just not hunting them. I wanna see pics and stories now chop chop and shoot something
  17. txDEERhuntr

    Hello my name is Dewain Raney

    and I am addicted to hunting and I need help
  18. txDEERhuntr

    couple fish pics...

    first one is a day of bass fishing tx style caught 82 fish that day kept 23 fish this second one is a bow fishing pic of a gar we shot killed 13 that night between me n my cousin bow fishing
  19. txDEERhuntr

    Scouting Tx style

    Well I have found the deer I shall hunt. I have permission to hunt a friend of the families land which borders public land then runs into my uncles land. Ive got a stand located on a draw that has a heavily used trail 15yds right in front me. Planted some biologic b4 my cousin went to school...
  20. txDEERhuntr

    All the Idaho Elk PICS I Could Find!!

    [BR][BR] sorry guys i got bored
Caribou Gear

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