NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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  1. B

    wolf tatics

    Since we have been talking all this :BLEEP: about how we should regulate hunting wolves, I was wondering how do you hunt them? The only sure fire way that I know of would be tree a cat with dogs and sit and wait for the wolves to come in :(
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    A man goes to see his doctor about an unusual large dot growing on his forehead. The doctor took one look and could'nt believe his eyes.The doctor tells the man he had heard of this in medical school, but never actually seen it. The doc explained there was a penis growing out of the mans...
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    Had coffee with Elkchsr

    I just got back from having coffee with Russ and believe it or not, he can actually talk more than he can type!! :eek: :eek: I had a great time and look forward to hanging with him again. In just a short visit I now know you dont eat bugs that stink or ones that will sting you and it...
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    New World Record Mulie Found(pics)

    Hey aint this april 1 !!!!! :D :D
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    Can somebody post the membership info again? I want to help pay for Moosies trip to AK! ;) :D :D
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    What do you see when you go outside?

    This is what I saw outside my place this morning. I saw six whitetail, two Toms and one Jake, a half dozen canadians, about twenty green heads and two roosters. Oh and of course the buff herd up on the range. I'm surprised I have'nt seen any bear yet and with the trash can still in place I...
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    How do you guys feel about tipping? Now first I want to say I tip all the time so I'm really not that cheap. I just dont feel like it is my responsibility to help pay for somebodys wages when in order for the buisness to operate they have to have an employee conduct those services. What really...
  8. B

    Anyone going to MT hunt expo in Kalispell?

    Is anyone going to the show this weekend? I'm actually moving up to Kalispell this weekend and my house is within walking distance from the show! I'm deffinetly going to be their late Sunday to swoop on some last second deals. :D
  9. B

    Chute planes..good or bad?

    Back at good old MM theres a couple guys bitching saying chute planes are a major problem in northern AZ. I personally dont think its a big deal infact I've got some good info from somebody that uses them for scouting. People have been using regular planes for years to scout and nobodys bitching...
  10. B

    Mice campgear terroists!

    I was cleaning out the garage today when I discovered mice had attacked my campgear. The little bastards chewed a hole in the top af my canvas tent ( of course it had to be the top ) and they even popped open the grub box and chewed up all my granola bars I was saving for next year! This is war...
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    So I was just wondering....Our last president gets a blowjob in office and everybody wants him impeached! But our current jackoff lies to the world about weapons of math instruction and nobody wants him impeached. I guess I'm just missing something here! What do you think? Please any republican...
  12. B

    where ya from ?

    Three cowboys walk in and sit down at the bar......They get to talkin to the bartender when one asks, hey I bet you ten dollars you can't guess where I'm from !.........The bartender says , I'll take that bet! So he looks the guy over real good and says, You are from Sedona AZ , I can tell by...
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    40 or 400 ?

    What do you really work your butt off for every year, the chance to kill a monster bull or a chance at a big gnarly muley ? Which bug bites you the hardest?
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    Logger Bush!

    Cutting the Tongrass will create a few jobs, but will cost taxpayers millions............ Perhaps the most bizzare part of the Bush plan to open the Tongrass to logging is economic. The administration and its allies in the timber industry say cutting down oldgrowth trees...
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    Extreme Boarding

    Yesterday I learned one of the better things to do here in MT....Extreme Snow Boarding...... It was great we hiked our asses off all the way up this mountain. It was a good mile staight up! It just about killed me. The whole way up we were pretty much on our knees and using the board to pull us...
  16. B

    microchips in sheds

    I was talking to a long time outfitter today and the subject of sheds came up. I was asking when should I really hit it and he pointed out that on the game ranges you cant pick any up until May 15. He also said that a game warden had told him that this last year they started putting microchips...
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    100 and counting

    100 dumb ass posts and I still havent got banned!!!!.....You guys either like me or you all are just a glutton for punishment!!
  18. B

    Encourage Me?

    Encourage Me...alright!!!.........True story....One time me, my buddy and AZ402 were drivin down this road just stoppin and glassin, huntin pigs!....Well all of a sudden my buddy slams on the breaks! Me and AZ402 get excited thinking he spotted some pigs! But instead he had in fact spotted a...
  19. B

    Extreme Elk Tatics

    I saw this on another board and found it to be very interesting. There is alot of tatics that can be used but what is really interesting is the extreme tatics people use.I dont have many but heres a few I learned while hunting in AZ.....In AZ on a dry year Elk really go to water, mostly cattle...
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    This cowboy from Montana is drivin down the road and picks up this cowboy from California hich hiking.........They are drivin when all of a sudden the cowboy slams on the breaks.......He looks over and see's this sheep with its head stuck in the fence..Well not to let an opprotunity like this...

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