Recent content by Yukon Hunter

  1. Y

    FNG from Az

    Welcome home, slim...
  2. Y

    Kicked in the NAHCers...

    Like J.T. (Snuffy), I have been absent far too long. Good to be back. And Bush is a moron...:)
  3. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    I'd go straight to the source, myself. You can phone in your order to Wiggy's, if you want, and talk to the big cheese himself if you're of a mind to...
  4. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    Frank (Bubba)(Pudge)- I can already tell you- A couple of years ago, we flew into a lake for our annual Moose hunting trip. My regular partner had a premium down bag, I had (cheapskate that I am...) the Canadian Army's double down bag system, and our other partner had a Wiggy's Superlight with...
  5. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    RR- Wiggy also says his Lamilite Sweater (a jacket, really) will be on sale shortly- regular $130 for $78. I'll be picking up one of those, as well...
  6. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    Frank- I knew it was you as soon as I saw "pudge". It's His stuff, like that on the Kifaru stuff, is the best. Cam
  7. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    RR- The bags will be rated for 20 degrees, but Wiggy gives an HONEST rating, unlike others. That rating, by the way, is with a long john top and bottom- not fully dressed in warm clothes. There's a great thread (two, actually) on this over at where absolutely everything is...
  8. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    Ridge- They are the best, as far as I'm concerned. While I love how light and fluffy down is, we all know how good it is if it gets wet. Wiggy's is now in the process of making a new bag (more than likely to be called the Kifaru) that'll tip the scales at (I believe) about two and a half pounds...
  9. Y

    Yo, T-Bone- I'm getting there...

    T-Bone- .375 H&H. 'nuff said.
  10. Y

    Yo, T-Bone- I'm getting there...

    Koot- I'll tell you what I think- I think you and I may have been separated at birth... ;) I'm thinking about a rambling rifle, as well. The older I get, the heavier my .375 H&H seems to get. I like your calibre choice, as well. I'm also considering the Wiggy's Kifaru bag, but I haven't tried...
  11. Y

    Iraq letter

    Ithaca- Sorry. While I appreciate the sentiment behind the letter, it's a bunch of bull. The guy is real, and he actually wrote the letter, but his facts are out to lunch.
  12. Y

    Yo, T-Bone- I'm getting there...

    Got my Wiggy's bag. Got my Nikon spotter. Just ordered my Kifaru Longhunter, and my wife, God Love her, is buying me a set of 8x20 Zeiss Victory's for my birthday later on this month. It's all come together. Now all I need is my Kifaru Paratipi & Stove combo...
  13. Y

    Sleeping bag advise please.

    If you're looking for a bag that could someday save your life, two words... Wiggy's rules.
  14. Y

    Veteran Pole!!!

    Kerry. Does the fact that I'm Canadian work against me?
  15. Y

    Pentax 10x50 DCF SP's

    T-Bone- Lucky bastard. I e-mailed John Barsness (my optics swami), telling him I was thinking about the Eagle Optics Ranger, as well as the Swarovski's. His suggestions were either the Nikon Premiers or the Pentax DCP SP's. Went to the store the other day and tried them out- Holy Crap. He's...

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